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Atila Extension For VueJS 2 SFC and SSR

Project description


Atla-Vue is Atila extension package for using vue3-sfc-loader and Bootstrap 5.

It will be useful for building simple web service at situation frontend developer dose not exists.

Due to the vue3-sfc-loader, We can use vue single file component on the fly without any compiling or building process.

Atila-Vue composes these things:

  • VueJS 3
  • VueRouter 4
  • Vuex 4
  • Optional Bootstrap 5 for UI/UX

For injecting objects to Vuex, it uses Jinja2 template engine.

Full Example

See atila-vue repository and atila-vue examplet.

Launching Server

mkdir myservice
cd myservice

Then create script for running server.

#! /usr/bin/env python3
import skitai
import atila_vue
import os
import pwa

os.environ ['SECRET_KEY'] = 'SECRET_KEY'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with skitai.preference () as pref:
        pref.extends (atila_vue)
        skitai.mount ('/', pwa, pref) (ip = '', port = 5000, name = 'myservice')

But it doesn't work yet.

mkdir -p pwa

Then create pwa/

import atila
import os
import sys
import skitai

def __config__ (pref):
    pref.set_static ('/', 'pwa/static')
    pref.config.FRONTEND = {
        "googleAnalytics": {"id": "UA-158163406-1"}

def __app__ ():
    return atila.Atila (__name__)

Now you can startup service.

./serve/py --devel

Then your browser address bar, enter http://localhost:5000/. If 404 Not Found on your browser screen, it is very OK.

Add Your First Page

Append these code into pwa/

def __mount__ (app, mntopt):
    @app.route ('/')
    def index (was):
        return '<h1>Hello, World</h1>'

Reload your browser then you can see Hello, World.

Improving Page With VueJS

mkdir pwa/templates

Create pwa/templates/main.j2.

{% extends '__framework/vue.j2' %}

Optionally, if you want to use Bootstrap 5 also.

{% extends '__framework/bs5.j2' %}

That's it. Just single line template.

Then update pwa/ for using this template.

def __mount__ (app, mntopt):
    @app.route ('/<path:path>')
    def index (was, path):
        return was.render ('main.j2')

Reload page but you will meet error: No page components for VueRouter.

Creating Vue Component

mkdir pwa/static/apps

This is routing base directory.

Your template file name is main.j2, so make directory pwa/static/apps/main as same name.

mkdir pwa/static/apps/main

Create file pwa/static/apps/main/layout.vue for app layout.

  <nav class='navbar navbar-expand-lg bg-dark navbar-dark'>
    <div class="container">
      <a href="#" class="navbar-brand">Atila Vue</a>

  <router-view v-slot="{ Component }">
        <component :is="Component" />

    export default {}

Create file pwa/static/apps/main/index.vue.

  <div class="container">
    <h1>{{ msg }}</h1>

  import {ref} from '/vue/composition-api.js'

  export default {
    setup () {
      const msg = ref ('Hello World')
      return { msg }

And Reload.

Note that you can see long list like Python Context and Vuex State. This will be shown if you give '--devel' option on starting server.

Add Routable Sub Pages

Create vue files as you want.

  • pwa/static/apps/main/about.vue
  • pwa/static/apps/main/products/index.vue
  • pwa/static/apps/main/products/_id.vue

These will be automatically generated as routes option like this:

    {name: "index", path: "/" },
    {name: "about", path: "/about" },
    {name: "products", path: "/products"},
    {name: "products/:id", path: "/products/:id")}

And you can see it via HTML source view in browser.

Then you can use <router-link> at your page.

  <div class="container">
    <h1>{{ msg }}</h1>
    <router-link :to="{ name: 'products/:id', params: {id: 100}}">Product #100</router-link>

Using Vuex

You can define Vuex state.

Update pwa/templates/main.j2.

{% extends '__framework/bs5.j2' %}

{{ map_state ('page_id', 0) }}
{{ map_state ('types', ["todo", "canceled", "done"]) }}

These will be injected to Vuex through JSON.

Now tou can use these state on your vue file with useStore.

  import {ref, computed, useStore} from '/vue/composition-api.js'

  export default {
    setup () {
      const store = useStore ()
      const page_id = computed ( () => store.state.page_id )
      const msg = ref ('Hello World')
      return { msg, page_id }

Or use useState.

  import {ref, useState} from '/vue/composition-api.js'

  export default {
    setup () {
      const { page_id } = useState ()
      const msg = ref ('Hello World')
      return { msg, page_id }

Note that /vue/composition-api.js contains some shortcuts for Vue., Vuex. and VueRouter.

Creating Sub Apps

Add routes to pwa/ for createing My Page sub app.

def __mount__ (app, mntopt):
    @app.route ('/<path:path>')
    def index (was, path):
        return was.render ('main.j2')

    @app.route ('/mypage/<path:path>')
    def mypage (was, path):
        return was.render ('mypage.j2')

Then next steps are the same.

  • create pwa/templates/mypage.j2
  • create pwa/static/apps/mypage/index.vue and sub pages

Adding APIs

mkdir pwa/services

Create pwa/services/

def __mount__ (app. mntopt):
  @app.route ("")
  def index (was):
    return "API Index"

  @app.route ("/now")
  def now (was):
    return was.API (result = time.time ())

Create pwa/services/

def __setup__ (app. mntopt):
  from . import apis
  app.mount ('/apis', apis)

Then update pwa/ for mount services.

def __app__ ():
    return atila.Atila (__name__)

def __setup__ (app, mntopt):
    from . import services
    app.mount ('/', services)

def __mount__ (app, mntopt):
    @app.route ('/')
    def index (was):
        return was.render ('main.j2')

Now you can use API: http://localhost:5000/apis/now.

  import {ref, onBeforeMount} from '/vue/composition-api.js'
  import {$http} from '/veu/helpers.js'

  export default {
    setup () {
      const msg = ref ('Hello World')
      const server_time = ref (null)
      onBeforeMount ( () => {
        const r = await $http.get ('/apis/now')
        server_time.value =
      return { msg, server_time }

Note that $http is the alias for axios.

Accessing APIs

Vuex.state has $apispecs state and it contains all API specification of server side. We made only 1 APIs for now.

Note that your exposed APIs endpoint should be /api.

  APIS_NOW: { "methods": [ "POST", "GET" ], "path": "/apis/now", "params": [], "query": [] }

You can make API url by apifor helpers by API ID.

import { apifor } from '/vue/helpers.js'

const endpoint = apifor ('')
// endpoint is resolved into '/apis/now'

Client Side Page Access Control

We provide user and grp base page access control.

  import { permission_required } from '/vue/helpers.js'

  export default {
    setup (props, context) {

    beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) {
      permission_required (['staff'], {name: 'signin'}, next)

admin and staff are pre-defined reserved grp name.

Vuex.state contains $uid and $grp state. So permission_required check with this state and decide to allow access.

And you should build sign in component signin.vue.

Create pwa/static/apps/main/signin.vue.

        <h1>Sign In</h1>
        <input type="text" v-model='uid'>
        <input type="password" v-model='password'>
        <button @click='signin ()'>Sign In</button>

    import { ref } from '/vue/composition-api.js'
    import { signin_with_id_and_password, restore_route } from '/vue/helpers.js'

    export default {
      setup (props, context) {
        const store = useStore ()
        const uid = ref ('')
        const password = ref ('')
        const signin = async () => {
            const msg = await signin_with_id_and_password (
                {uid: uid.value, password: password.value}
            if (!!msg) {
                return alert (`Sign in failed because ${ msg }`)
            alert ('Sign in success!')
            restore_route ()
        return { uid, password, signin }

And one more, update /pwa/static/apps/main/layout.vue

  import { refresh_access_token } from '/vue/helpers.js'
  import { onBeforeMount } from '/vue/composition-api.js'

  export default {
    setup () {
      onBeforeMount ( () => {
        refresh_access_token ('APIS_ACCESS_TOKEN')

This will check saved tokens at app initializing and do these things:

  • update Vuex.state.$uid and Vuex.state.$grp if access token is valid
  • if access token is expired, try refresh using refresh token and save credential
  • if refresh token close to expiration, refresh 'refresh token' itself
  • if refresh token is expired, clear all credential

From this moment, axios monitor access token whenever you call APIs and automatically managing tokens.


Server Side Token Providing API

Update pwa/services/

import time

    'hansroh': ('1111', ['staff', 'user'])

def create_token (uid, grp = None):
    due = (3600 * 6) if grp else (14400 * 21)
    tk = dict (uid = uid, exp = int (time.time () + due))
    if grp:
        tk ['grp'] = grp
    return tk

def __mount__ (app, mntopt):
    @app.route ('/signin_with_id_and_password', methods = ['POST', 'OPTIONS'])
    def signin_with_uid_and_password (was, uid, password):
        passwd, grp = USERS.get (uid, (None, []))
        if passwd != password:
            raise was.Error ("401 Unauthorized", "invalid account")
        return was.API (
            refresh_token = was.mkjwt (create_token (uid)),
            access_token = was.mkjwt (create_token (uid, grp))

    @app.route ('/access_token', methods = ['POST', 'OPTIONS'])
    def access_token (was, refresh_token):
        claim = was.dejwt ()
        atk = None
        if 'err' not in claim:
            atk = claim # valid token
        elif claim ['ecd'] != 0: # corrupted token
            raise was.Error ("401 Unauthorized", claim ['err'])

        claim = was.dejwt (refresh_token)
        if 'err' in claim:
            raise was.Error ("401 Unauthorized", claim ['err'])

        uid = claim ['uid']
        _, grp = USERS.get (uid, (None, []))
        rtk = was.mkjwt (create_token (uid)) if claim ['exp'] + 7 > time.time () else None

        if not atk:
            atk = create_token (uid, grp)

        return was.API (
            refresh_token = rtk,
            access_token = was.mkjwt (atk)

You have responsabliity for these things.

  • provide access token and refresh token
  • access token must contain str uid, list grp and int exp
  • refresh token must contain str uid and int exp

Now reload page, you can see Vuex.state.$apispecs like this.

  APIS_NOW: { "methods": [ "POST", "GET" ], "path": "/apis/now", "params": [], "query": [] },

  APIS_ACCESS_TOKEN: { "methods": [ "POST", "OPTIONS" ], "path": "/apis/access_token", "params": [], "query": [ "refresh_token" ] },

  APIS_SIGNIN_WITH_ID_AND_PASSWORD: { "methods": [ "POST", "OPTIONS" ], "path": "/apis/signin_with_id_and_password", "params": [], "query": [ "uid", "password" ] }

That's it.

Server Side Access Control

def __mount__ (app, mntopt):
  @app.route ('/profiles/<uid>')
  @app.permission_required (['user'])
  def get_profile (was):
    icanaccess = was.request.user.uid
    return was.API (profile = data)

If request user is one of user, staff and admin grp, access will be granted.

And all claims of access token can be access via was.request.user dictionary.

@app.permission_required can groups and owner based control.

Also @app.login_required which is shortcut for @app.permission_required ([]) - any groups will be granted.

@app.identification_required is just create was.request.user object using access token only if token is valid.

For more detail access control. see Atila.

Using Django ORM and Admin Site

Atila-Vue contains basic templates for using Django ORM management and Django admin site for laziness.

add one of these lines to as you prefer.

os.environ ['DBENGINE'] = 'sqlite3:///var/mydb.db3'
os.environ ['DBENGINE'] = 'postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/mydb'
os.environ ['DBENGINE'] = 'oracle://user:password@localhost:1521/mydb'

Now, at shell,

./ migrate

Some tables will be created on your database.

You can review these files:

  • pwa/models/config/

For adding models:

./ startapp myapp

And add models and make admin customizations:

  • pwa/models/dap/myapp/
  • pwa/models/dap/myapp/
  • pwa/models/dap/myapp/

For applying:

./ makemigrations
./ migrate

Please note that Atila just use Django ORM management and admin site only. Using models is entirely different from conventional Django style. For usage examples using firebase_vue app:

  • pwa/services/apis/auth

And Django tutorials for managing ORM.

Project details

Download files

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Source Distributions

No source distribution files available for this release.See tutorial on generating distribution archives.

Built Distribution

atila_vue-0.2.0-py3-none-any.whl (194.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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