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A minimalistic dependency injection library for Python

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A minimalistic dependency injection library for Python.

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pip install autowired

Quick Start

With autowired, everything is centered around context classes.
A context can be viewed as a higher-level layer on top of a dependency injection container. It can also be perceived as the in-code configuration of the application's components (e.g., services, controllers, repositories, etc.). The concept of a context in autowired is similar, though not identical, to the concept of a module in other dependency injection frameworks.

Let's create a simple first example application.
The demo application mimics a notification service that sends messages to users.
We begin by defining the components of our application.

class MessageService:
    def send_message(self, user: str, message: str):
        print(f"Sending message '{message}' to user '{user}'")

class UserService:
    def get_user(self, user_id: int) -> str:
        return f"User{user_id}"

class NotificationService:
    def __init__(self, message_service: MessageService, user_service: UserService):
        self.message_service = message_service
        self.user_service = user_service

    def send_notification(self, user_id: int, message: str):
        user = self.user_service.get_user(user_id)
        self.message_service.send_message(user, message)

Next, we'll define a context class for this application.
The sole responsibility of this class is to set up the application components.

from autowired import Context, autowired

class ApplicationContext(Context):
    notification_service: NotificationService = autowired()

Finally, we can utilize the context to access and use the application components.

ctx = ApplicationContext()
ctx.notification_service.send_notification(1, "Hello, User!")

In our application code, we only interact with the notification_service, hence it's the only component we explicitly define in the context class.

Note that the ApplicationContext is the only class that depends on the autowired library. All the components that implement the actual application logic are completely framework-agnostic and don't require any special annotations or decorators. This is a fundamental design principle of autowired.

Here are some other important things to point out:

  1. Lazy instantiation:
    autowired fields are instantiated lazily by default. This means they are instantiated the first time they are accessed. This can help reduce the startup time of your application and allows the use of a context even if some of its components cannot be instantiated (for example, due to missing configuration or unavailability of external services).
  2. Singletons:
    By default, autowired fields and all implicit dependencies are singletons. This implies that the same instance is returned every time they are accessed or injected.

In this initial example, autowired did all the work for us. However, in most real-world applications, you will need more control over the instantiation process. The following sections will explain all the necessary concepts and advanced features in more detail.

Core Principles

Dependency Injection without Frameworks

Dependency Injection is a simple yet powerful concept designed to improve the decoupling of components in code. Although it's often associated with certain frameworks, its implementation doesn’t necessarily require one.

Python's standard library already provides the necessary tools for implementing Dependency Injection (DI).
One approach involves defining a central context class, which manages the dependencies between components. These components are presented as properties of this context class, each tying to the others during instantiation.

Typically, it's preferable for multiple components to share the same instance (often called a singleton) of a specific dependency. In such cases, Python’s built-in cached_property decorator is an ideal solution. It functions by saving the result of a property's initial call and then returns this cached value for any subsequent calls.
This effectively provides all that's needed for a simple but elegant form of Dependency Injection in Python.

Let's look at a simple example:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import cached_property

# define some components

class MessageService:
    def send_message(self, user: str, message: str):
        print(f"Sending message '{message}' to user '{user}'")

class UserService:
    def get_user(self, user_id: int):
        return f"User{user_id}"

class NotificationService:
    message_service: MessageService
    user_service: UserService
    all_caps: bool = False

    def send_notification(self, user_id: int, message: str):
        user = self.user_service.get_user(user_id)

        if self.all_caps:
            message = message.upper()

        self.message_service.send_message(user, message)

class NotificationController:
    notification_service: NotificationService

    def notify(self, user_id: int, message: str):
        print(f"Sending notification to user {user_id}")
        self.notification_service.send_notification(user_id, message)

# define a context class to manage the dependencies between components

class ApplicationContext:

    def message_service(self) -> MessageService:
        return MessageService()

    def user_service(self) -> UserService:
        return UserService()

    def notification_service(self) -> NotificationService:
        return NotificationService(

    def notification_controller(self) -> NotificationController:
        return NotificationController(

ctx = ApplicationContext()
ctx.notification_controller.notify(1, "Hello, User!")

In this setup, a ApplicationContext class is responsible for managing the dependencies between components. Given that we want all our components to be singletons, we utilize the cached_property for each of them.

This approach is sufficient for many simple applications. However, as the application grows, the context class will become increasingly bloated. You will have more components, and their interdependencies will become more complex. You will also have to deal with different scopes, e.g., request scoped components. This complexity can lead to a lot of boilerplate code unrelated to the application logic and create opportunities for errors. autowired aims to streamline this process, while building on the same simple principles.

Using autowired

Here's how the previous ApplicationContext could be rewritten using autowired:

from autowired import Context, autowired

class ApplicationContext(Context):
    notification_controller: NotificationController = autowired()

We have simplified the context class to a single line of code. As the NotificationController was the only component that needed to be exposed as a public property, it is the only one we explicitly define. autowired now handles the instantiation of all components and their dependencies for us. Components can be either dataclasses or traditional classes, provided they are appropriately annotated with type hints for autowired to automatically resolve their dependencies.

Leveraging cached_property and property methods

Sometimes, you need more control over the instantiation process. For instance, the NotificationService has a boolean parameter all_caps. We might want a configuration file that enables or disables this feature.
Here's how we can do this using autowired:

# We define a dataclass to represent our application settings
class ApplicationSettings:
    all_caps_notifications: bool = False

class ApplicationContext(Context):
    notification_controller: NotificationController = autowired()

    # we add a constructor to the context class to allow passing the settings
    def __init__(self, settings: ApplicationSettings = ApplicationSettings()):
        self.settings = settings

    def _notification_service(self) -> NotificationService:
        # we use `self.autowire()` to resolve the dependencies of the notification service,
        # while passing a subset of the dependencies explicitly as kwargs
        return self.autowire(

settings = ApplicationSettings(all_caps_notifications=True)
ctx = ApplicationContext(settings=settings)
ctx.notification_controller.notify(1, "Hello, User!")

assert ctx.notification_controller.notification_service.all_caps == True

As mentioned before, autowired builds on the idea of using cached_property to implement the singleton pattern. That's why cached_property is a first-class citizen in autowired, and you can use it if you want to have more control over the instantiation process. When autowired resolves dependencies, it respects not only other autowired fields but also cached_property and classic property methods.

The Context class provides a convenience method self.autowire() that you can use to resolve dependencies within cached_property and property methods. Explicit dependencies can be passed as kwargs, as shown in the example above, and the remaining ones will be resolved automatically as before.

Configuring Autowired Fields with Context Attributes

To configure your autowired fields with context attributes, you can also directly reference the desired attribute in the autowired field definition.

Here is how you could rewrite the previous example:

class ApplicationContext(Context):
    settings: ApplicationSettings = provided()
    notification_controller: NotificationController = autowired()
    _notification_service: NotificationService = autowired(all_caps=settings.all_caps_notifications)

    def __init__(self, settings: ApplicationSettings = ApplicationSettings()):
        self.settings = settings

Note to make the settings field available in the autowired field definition; we need to define it explicitly. We use provided() instead of autowired because the field is set manually in the constructor.

Which of the two approaches you prefer is a matter of taste or the complexity of evaluating the settings. For simple settings, the second approach should be preferred. For more complex rules, the cached_property approach might be more suitable. Both approaches can be mixed freely.

Advanced Configuration with Kwargs Factory Function

For more complex configuration scenarios, you can use a kwargs factory function with autowired fields. This approach provides a balance between simplicity and flexibility, allowing you to define custom logic for setting up your autowired fields.

The factory function is passed the context instance as its only argument during the component's instantiation. This allows you to access any attribute of the context and use it in your configuration logic.

Here's how you can apply it:

class ApplicationContext(Context):
    notification_controller: NotificationController = autowired()
    _notification_service: NotificationService = autowired(
        lambda self: dict(all_caps=self.settings.all_caps_notifications)

    def __init__(self, settings: ApplicationSettings = ApplicationSettings()):
        self.settings = settings

In this example, the all_caps attribute of the _notification_service field is set by calling a lambda function. This function has access to the context instance, allowing it to use the settings attribute in its logic.

This approach is particularly useful when the configuration logic is too complex to be expressed directly in the field definition, but not complex enough to warrant a dedicated cached_property method. As always, you can freely mix and match these approaches based on your application's specific needs and complexity.

Recap — The Building Blocks

We already covered the most important building blocks of autowired.

  • Context serves as the base class for all classes that manage dependencies between components.
  • autowired defines autowired fields.
  • cached_property and property offer more control over the instantiation process.
  • self.autowire() is a helper method for implementing cached_property and property methods on context classes.

Eager and Lazy Instantiation

autowired() fields behave like cached_propertys and are instantiated lazily, i.e., the first time they are accessed. If this is not the desired behavior, you can use the eager parameter to force eager instantiation of the component.

class ApplicationContext(Context):
    notification_controller: NotificationController = autowired(eager=True)

Transient Components

There may be situations where you need to create a new instance of a component each time it's injected or accessed from the context. This is also known as a component with a transient lifetime. You can accomplish this by setting the 'transient' parameter to 'True' when defining an 'autowired' field.

class ApplicationContext(Context):
    notification_controller: NotificationController = autowired(transient=True)

ctx = ApplicationContext()

# A new instance is created each time the notification controller is accessed
assert id(ctx.notification_controller) != id(ctx.notification_controller)

For property methods, simply use the property decorator instead of cached_property to achieve the same effect.

Thread Local Components

Autowired fields can only be singleton or transient components. However, if you need thread-local components, you can use a thread_local_cached_property.

from autowired import thread_local_cached_property

class ApplicationContext(Context):

    def thread_local_component(self) -> NotificationController:
        return NotificationController()

ctx = ApplicationContext()

# Same instance on a single thread
main_thread_component = ctx.thread_local_component
assert main_thread_component is ctx.thread_local_component

import threading

# Each thread has its own instance
def thread_func():
    thread_component = ctx.thread_local_component
    assert thread_component is not main_thread_component

thread = threading.Thread(target=thread_func)

Scopes and Derived Contexts

Often a single context is not sufficient to manage all the dependencies of an application. Instead, many applications will have multiple contexts, often sharing some components. A classic example is a request context, derived from an application context.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from autowired import Context, autowired, provided

# an application scoped components

class AuthService:
    api_keys: list[str]

    def check_api_key(self, key: str) -> bool:
        return key in self.api_keys

# an example request object (e.g., from a web framework)
class Request:
    headers: dict[str, str]

# a request scoped component

class RequestService:
    auth_service: AuthService
    request: Request

    def is_authorised(self) -> bool:
        api_key = self.request.headers.get("Authorization") or ""
        api_key = api_key.replace("Bearer ", "")
        return self.auth_service.check_api_key(api_key)

# application settings and context

class ApplicationSettings:
    api_keys: list[str]

class ApplicationContext(Context):
    auth_service: AuthService = autowired(
        lambda self: dict(api_keys=self.settings.api_keys)

    def __init__(self, settings: ApplicationSettings):
        self.settings = settings

# request scoped context

class RequestContext(Context):
    request_service: RequestService = autowired()
    # `provided` fields are not resolved automatically, but must be set explicitly in the constructor.
    # As `autowired` fields, `property`s and `cached_property`s, they are respected during dependency resolution.
    # If you forget to set them, _autowired_ will raise an exception on context instantiation.
    request: Request = provided()

    def __init__(self, parent_context: Context, request: Request):
        # We use `self.derive_from` to make the components of the parent context available in the request context.
        self.request = request

# example usage

settings = ApplicationSettings(api_keys=["123", "456"])
application_ctx = ApplicationContext(settings)

def create_request_context(request: Request):
    return RequestContext(application_ctx, request)

def request_handler(request: Request):
    ctx = create_request_context(request)
    if ctx.request_service.is_authorised():
        return "Authorised"
        raise Exception("Not authorised")

# applying the request handler to a dummy request

dummy_request = Request(headers={
    "Authorization": "Bearer 123"
response = request_handler(dummy_request)

The Container

Most of the time, using the Context class is sufficient for managing dependencies between components. However, since it requires knowing upfront which components will be needed, it might not be suitable for all use cases. Therefore, if you need more flexibility, you can use the Container class instead. You can instantiate a container yourself or access a context's container via the container property.

from autowired import Container

class MessageService:
    def send_message(self, user: str, message: str):
        print(f"Sending message '{message}' to user '{user}'")

class UserService:
    def get_user(self, user_id: int):
        return f"User{user_id}"

class NotificationService:
    def __init__(self, message_service: MessageService, user_service: UserService):
        self.message_service = message_service
        self.user_service = user_service

    def send_notification(self, user_id: int, message: str):
        user = self.user_service.get_user(user_id)
        self.message_service.send_message(user, message)

container = Container()
notification_service = container.resolve(NotificationService)

assert isinstance(notification_service, NotificationService)
assert notification_service is container.resolve(NotificationService)
assert notification_service.message_service is container.resolve(MessageService)


A container can contain a list of providers (instances of the Provider class). A provider is what actually creates the instances of a component. Most of the time, especially when using the Context class, you don't need to worry about providers, as they are created automatically. The Provider class defines a simple interface that the Container class uses to resolve dependencies.

class Provider(Generic[T]):

    def satisfies(self, dependency: Dependency) -> bool:
        # Checks whether the provider can provide an instances that satisfies the given dependency specification.

    def get_instance(self, dependency: Dependency, container: Container) -> T:
        # Returns an instance that satisfies the given dependency specification.

    def get_name(self) -> str:
        # Each provider has a name. The container utilises it to resolve ambiguous dependencies.

Most providers are singleton component providers, i.e., they always return the same instance when get_instance() is called. In the above container usage example, when we resolved the NotificationService for the first time, a singleton provider was created automatically and added to the container. However, you can also add providers manually.
In most cases you use the from_supplier or from_instance factory methods to create a provider, but you can also implement your own Provider subclass. In the following example, we use the from_supplier factory method to create a transient provider for a custom MessageService class.

from autowired import Container, Provider

container = Container()

class AllCapsMessageService(MessageService):
    def send_message(self, user: str, message: str):
        super().send_message(user, message.upper())

def create_message_service() -> MessageService:
    return AllCapsMessageService()

# Using `from_supplier` calls the given supplier function each time 
# Note that the return type annotation on the supplier function is mandatory
# unless you specify the type argument explicitly

assert isinstance(container.resolve(MessageService), AllCapsMessageService)
assert container.resolve(MessageService) is not container.resolve(MessageService)

Example Application — FastAPI

Although FastAPI already provides a powerful dependency injection feature, you might want to reuse your autowired-based context classes. The following example shows how to use autowired in a FastAPI application. It does not aim to replace FastAPI's dependency injection, but rather demonstrates how to seamlessly combine both.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from autowired import Context, autowired, provided

# Components

class DatabaseService:
    conn_str: str

    def load_allowed_tokens(self):
        return ["123", "456", ""]

    def get_user_name_by_id(self, user_id: int) -> str | None:
        print(f"Loading user {user_id} from database {self.conn_str}")
        d = {1: "John", 2: "Jane"}
        return d.get(user_id)

class UserService:
    db_service: DatabaseService

    def get_user_name_by_id(self, user_id: int) -> str | None:
        if user_id == 0:
            return "admin"
        return self.db_service.get_user_name_by_id(user_id)

class UserController:
    user_service: UserService

    def get_user(self, user_id: int) -> str:
        user_name = self.user_service.get_user_name_by_id(user_id)
        if user_name is None:
            raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="User not found")

        return user_name

# Application Settings and Context

class ApplicationSettings:
    database_connection_string: str = "db://localhost"

# Application Context

class ApplicationContext(Context):
    user_controller: UserController = autowired()
    database_service: DatabaseService = autowired(
        lambda self: dict(conn_str=self.settings.database_connection_string)

    def __init__(self, settings: ApplicationSettings = ApplicationSettings()):
        self.settings = settings

from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, Depends, HTTPException

# Request Scoped Service for the FastAPI Application

class RequestAuthService:
    db_service: DatabaseService
    request: Request

    def is_authorised(self):
        token = self.request.headers.get("Authorization") or ""
        token = token.replace("Bearer ", "")
        if token in self.db_service.load_allowed_tokens():
            return True
        return False

# Request Context

class RequestContext(Context):
    request_auth_service: RequestAuthService = autowired()
    request: Request = provided()

    def __init__(self, parent_context: Context, request: Request):
        self.request = request

# Setting up the FastAPI Application

app = FastAPI()
application_context = ApplicationContext()

def request_context(request: Request):
    return RequestContext(application_context, request)

# We can seamlessly combine autowired's and FastAPIs dependency injection mechanisms
def request_auth_service(request_context: RequestContext = Depends(request_context)):
    return request_context.request_auth_service

def user_controller():
    return application_context.user_controller

def get_user(
        user_id: int,
        request_auth_service: RequestAuthService = Depends(request_auth_service),
    if request_auth_service.is_authorised():
        return user_controller.get_user(user_id=int(user_id))
        return {"detail": "Not authorised"}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import uvicorn

    # should now return "admin"

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autowired-0.2.4-py3-none-any.whl (19.6 kB view hashes)

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