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Avala Client SDK

Project description

Avala Python SDK

Avala is a dataset labeling and management company with an enormous human workforce and a powerful API for integration with your client-side python code. Visit AvalaAI for more information.

The Avala Python API offers a simple, user-friendly way to interact with the Avala back-end. This is an alpha-release of our SDK.

Table of Contents



Prerequisite: Install pip

pip is a package manager for Python. On macOS, you can set it up to use the default python3 install via -

curl -o

If the installation completes with a warning re: pip not being in your path, you'll need to add it by modifying your shell config (.zshrc, .bashrc or similar). You might have to modify the command below depending on the version of python3 on your machine.

export PATH=/Users/<your-macOS-username>/Library/Python/3.8/bin:$PATH

Install the avala client package locally, using Python's Pip manager

pip3 install avala


If you are on an older version of the avala-sdk and would like to upgrade to the latest version:

pip3 install --upgrade avala

Important Note: Please save your config.json and google_auth_creds.json file (if applicable) to a safe location and then run the upgrade. The upgrade process might overwrite your config.json and google_auth_creds.json files.


  • Visit our docs to learn how the Avala Python SDK works and watch videos. See examples of how it works.


Avala AI uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can create and manage API keys from -> Settings -> Security & Identity. See Authentication. Given below is a sample config.json.

    "API": {
        "api_url": "",
        "api_key": "495b413615fc902e4f29f4545a0b4104e760bb3d"
    "ProviderConfig": {
        "provider_config": {
            "provider": "aws_s3",
            "s3_bucket_name": "avala-public-datasets",
            "s3_bucket_region": "us-west-1",
            "s3_bucket_prefix": "Closed Testing/2020-05-19/",
            "s3_access_key_id": "BLAH2BLAH4IL3J57S",
            "s3_secret_access_key": "sbwAxcSfk8BC9sBz2RWZwnZOxDoX71PSYkLSc/T3",
            "gc_storage_bucket_name": "your-gcs-bucket-name",
            "gc_storage_prefix": "your-gcs-bucket-prefix"
    "Organization": {
        "organization_config": {
            "name": "Your Organization Name",
            "description": "Your Organization Description",
            "website": "Your Organization Website"

Note that 'ProviderConfig' refers to the cloud location you intend to store all your images. We support AWS and Google Cloud at the moment.

The "provider" field is required to be either "aws_s3" (Amazon AWS) or "gc_storage" (Google Cloud Storage). If 'provider' is set to 'aws_s3', only the s3_* fields are examined and the gc_* fields are ignored. Similarly, if 'provider' is set to 'gc_storage', only the gc_* fields are examined and the other fields are ignored. In the above config.json file, AWS is used as the provider.

In case you use Google Cloud, change "provider" to "gc_storage". In addition, you will need to create a file named google_auth_creds.json located in the same directory as config.json which will contain your Google cloud storage credentials. Please make sure that it is a JSON file and contains the correct Google cloud storage credentials.

Command line client

$ avala  -h
usage: avala [-h] {dataset-import,get-licenses,get-industries,get-datasets,get-projects,annotation-import,get-annotation-exports,add-dataset-collaborator,add-project-collaborator,annotation-export,dataset-export}

Avala Client SDK.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    dataset-import      Import a dataset
    get-licenses        List available licenses
    get-industries      List available industries
    get-datasets        List my datasets
    get-projects        List my projects
    annotation-import   Import annotations of an existing dataset
                        List my results
                        Add email address as dataset collaborator
                        Add email address as project collaborator
    annotation-export   Trigger an annotation export for a dataset
    dataset-export      Download the export urls

Import a dataset

The 'dataset-import' operation imports a dataset.

A dataset is a collection of images. You can copy your images to an S3 location in AWS (or to Google Cloud Storage) and provide us the credentials to access it. We access the dataset from your hosted cloud location and our legion of coworkers annotate the dataset for you.

To import a dataset, we require an industry ID and a license ID. The industry ID specifies the industry that the images of the dataset fall under (eg: Automobiles) and the license specifies the license used for the dataset. We encourage making datasets public so that other users can make use of it. Note that making a dataset public doesn't make the annotations (or labels) public. Paid annotations are always private.

$ avala  dataset-import -h
usage: avala dataset-import [-h] --name NAME  [--visibility VISIBILITY] [--industry INDUSTRY] [--license LICENSE] [--citation CITATION] [--creator CREATOR] [--description DESCRIPTION]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Name of dataset
  --visibility VISIBILITY
                        Visibility of the dataset
  --industry INDUSTRY   Industry code
  --license LICENSE     License code
  --citation CITATION   Citation for the dataset
  --creator CREATOR     Creator of the dataset
  --description DESCRIPTION
                        Description of the dataset


Fetch a list of available licenses

$ avala  get-licenses
  "1": "BSD 3",
  "2": "CC0 1.0",
  "3": "CC BY 3.0",
  "4": "CC BY 4.0",
  "5": "CC BY-NC 4.0",
  "6": "CC BY-SA 4.0",
  "7": "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0",
  "8": "Research only",
  "9": "Non-commerical use ",
  "10": "MIT",
  "11": "GPL 2",
  "12": "ODbL 1.0",
  "13": "Other",
  "14": "Public Release, Distribution Unlimited",
  "34": "TEST"

Fetch list of industries:

$ avala  get-industries
  "1": "Autonomous Vehicles",
  "2": "Fashion",
  "3": "Agriculture",
  "4": "Insurance",
  "5": "Consumer",
  "6": "Manufacturing",
  "7": "Construction",
  "8": "Medical Imaging",
  "9": "Drone",
  "10": "Other",
  "34": "Satellite",
  "67": "Content moderation",
  "100": "Retail",
  "133": "[itests] Test Industry"

Get list of datasets imported by me:

$ avala get-datasets
  "47dc5e5d95f842e2891ebd08649f4cf9": "MyDS11",
  "551471e3fd5f4c0bb394bd5f8bcc7fb6": "MyDS12",
  "b639ee89c22641cbbfd433a734c4671a": "Testing"

Importing a dataset:

Pick the license code and industry code that is applicable for the dataset you intend to import from the above output. For example:

$ avala dataset-import --name="BayAreaTrafficImages"  --visibility="private" --industry="2" --license="3" --creator="John Doe" --description="Images of vehicles in Bay area"

The argument --industry="2" refers to the industry with industry code 2 in the response from 'get-industries'. Same with license. This should return a response along the lines of "Successfully created dataset" on success.

Importing annotation for an existing dataset:

After importing a dataset, it is possible to import any annotation you have from before. This is done as follows:

usage: avala annotation-import [-h] [--owner OWNER] --dataset-uid DATASET_UID
                                   --annotations-file ANNOTATIONS_FILE
                                   [--keep-annotations KEEP_ANNOTATIONS] --project-name PROJECT_NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --owner OWNER         Owner name (or login email of user) of dataset
  --dataset-uid DATASET_UID
                        Unique identifier for dataset
  --annotations-file ANNOTATIONS_FILE
                        The path to json file containing annotations in Coco format
  --keep-annotations KEEP_ANNOTATIONS
                        Whether to keep any previous annotations for the project
  --project-name PROJECT_NAME
                        The Avala project to link these imported annotations to

$ avala annotation-import --dataset-uid="kd8jlkadjfk820j9ysljfkdfjal8820r" --project-name="MyNewProject" --annotations-file="./path/to/annotations.json" 

--dataset-uid refers to the uid returned by 'avala get-datasets' corresponding to the dataset slug. --project-name refers to the name of a new, non-existing Avala project that will be created and be accessible from the Avala web interface. Configuration of the project will still need to be done from the web interface. --annotations-file refers to the path of the JSON file containing all your annotations for the dataset in Coco (Common Objects in Context) format. To learn more about Coco, see: --keep-annotations refers to whether or not you'd like to preserve any annotations that you may have previously imported for the same dataset. This defaults to False.

List exports (or fetch results of annotating an imported dataset)

$ avala get-annotation-exports

A sample response looks like this:

    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "name": "15 images  dataset - Export Oct27",
            "format": "avala-json-external",
            "filter_query_string": "",
            "total_task_count": 715,
            "exported_task_count": 715,
            "download_url": " - 15 images  dataset - Export Oct27 - b9cab4f19c104d75a02bb53848d2d4cd.json",
            "status": "exported",
            "datasets": [
            "projects": [],
            "organization": null,
            "created_at": "2023-10-27T19:41:09.875315+03:00",
            "updated_at": "2023-10-27T19:41:20.071423+03:00"

This lists all the available exports of processing the datasets imported so far. For every dataset imported, you should see a 'download_url' which is a link to the actual annotations for the dataset.

List all my projects

$ avala get-projects

When a dataset is imported, a new project is created by the Avala backend. This project contains all the annotated results when it is processed by Avala. An imported dataset may have multiple projects linked to it each for a different type of requested annotation. The list of projects are also viewable from the Avala Web interface. Note that Project building and configuration is only available from the web interface and not from this client at this point of time.

Add collaborator to dataset.

The 'add-dataset-collaborator' operation adds another valid Avala user (i.e email address) as a collaborator to a particular dataset. This means that the images that make up the dataset be accessible by both the owner and the collaborator of the dataset. The dataset_uid may be obtained from the avala get-datasets operation.

$ avala add-dataset-collaborator -h
usage: avala add-dataset-collaborator [-h] --email EMAIL --dataset-uid DATASET_UID

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --email EMAIL         Email address of dataset collaborator
  --dataset-uid DATASET_UID 
                        Dataset uid to add this user as a collaborator to
$ avala add-dataset-collaborator --email --dataset-uid="cf11026d-ea59-47f9-b5d0-2690248df765"

Successfully added user with email as collaborator to dataset

In the above example, Avala user with email address can collaborate with the user running the command on the specified dataset. Note that the user would have to collaborate on the associated project as well in order to access the annotations of the project.

Add collaborator to project.

The 'add-project-collaborator' operation adds another valid Avala user (i.e email address) as a collaborator to a particular project. This makes the annotations of the Avala project accessible by both the owner and collaborator of the project. The project_uid may be obtained from the avala get-projects operation.

usage: avala add-project-collaborator [-h] --email EMAIL --project-uid PROJECT_UID

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --email EMAIL         Email address of project collaborator
  --project-uid PROJECT_UID
                        Project uid to add this user as collaborator to
$ avala add-project-collaborator --project-uid="dba079cf3d274480bca3bc356dd8ac4e"

Successfully added user with email as collaborator to

Trigger an export

To trigger an export of your annotation as a JSON, you can use the avala annotation-export command. After triggering the export, you will need to use avala get-annotation-exports command to access the download link.

$ avala annotation-export -h

usage: avala annotation-export [-h] --name NAME --dataset-uid DATASET_UID [--format FORMAT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name NAME           Human readable name of export
  --dataset-uid DATASET_UID
                        Dataset uid that you want to trigger an export for
  --format FORMAT       Supported format is avala-json-external only at this time
$ avala annotation-export --name="MyExport1" --dataset-uid="cf11026d-ea59-47f9-b5d0-2690248df765"

Successfully triggered an export for dataset. Status code: 201

Download dataset export

To export (i.e download to local filesystem) the annotations of a single dataset or the annotations of all datasets, the following dataset-export command may be used.

$ avala dataset-export -h

usage: avala dataset-export [-h] --dataset-uid DATASET_UID [--destination DESTINATION]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dataset-uid DATASET_UID
                        Dataset uid that you'd like to download
  --destination DESTINATION
                        Directory you want your downloads to be placed in. This defaults to
                        current directory
$ avala dataset-export --dataset-uid="87d85791-1964-442d-b7c0-f5595417a7f3"

Download - filterbyproject - 5295b31852564363baf584159871db19.json successful. File saved to /Users/john/client
Download - exportnotAvalaBB - 9549ff873aa1452abde460e482bfc3b6.json successful. File saved to /Users/john/client
Download - exportwithBBV2 - 03298ccd27894a1b9e6425cd9e0221da.json successful. File saved to /Users/john/client
Download - 2images-withbb - 01caea3623164b54b7572056e4e24c7e.json successful. File saved to /Users/john/client


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Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

avala-0.0.17.tar.gz (16.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

avala-0.0.17-py3-none-any.whl (18.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

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