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blizz – be blizzful.

Project description

blizz – be blizzful

effortless Python table schema management

If you are looking for…

:clipboard: …an lightweight option to capture data schemas and field annotations for either Pandas or PySpark,

:star: …which makes table definitions available not just at runtime, but already while developing code – with IDE type checking and autocomplete!

:snowflake: …which allows dynamic schema inheritance/reference, to express several levels of derived data assets – as common in stable data pipelines – tracing the full data field lineage across your project and boosting refactoring and debugging productivity,

:rocket: …which offers pre-built PySpark & Pandas decorators for most common data checks & transformations – all based on metadata,

:running: …which supports your workflow with boostrapping tools to generate basic code and Sphinx documentations

then blizz is for you!



You can install the latest stable version of blizz simply using Pip:

pip install blizz

Note, that either pandas or pyspark need to be installed separately, if you do not have them already.

If you have any issues, questions or suggestions – do not hesitate to open an GitHub issue.

A test installation from the latest sources is possible as well:

pip install git+

Usage Tutorial

The following is an introduction and basic tutorial to blizz. You can find also some example scripts in src/tutorial of this repository.

blizz primitives: Relation and Field

blizz.Relation and blizz.Field are the main primitives implementing its behaviour.

A relation – in the computer scientific sense – refers here to any table/dataframe/... one likes to define, made up of rows and columns, the latter defined by blizz.Field. DataFrames from PySpark and Pandas are the supported means of capturing data instances to which a given Relation applies to.

The following sections explain how to use blizz.Relation and blizz.Field.

Basic usage with Pandas

The following is a minimal example of creating a Relation with blizz:

  • define your Relation as a subclass from blizz's Relation superclass
  • add some field names as members
  • add load() as a classmethod and implement it to return either a Spark or Pandas DataFrame
from blizz import Relation, Field
import pandas as pd

class Iris(Relation):

    SEPAL_LENGTH = Field("sepal_length")
    SEPAL_WIDTH = Field("sepal_width")
    PETAL_LENGTH = Field("petal_length")
    PETAL_WIDTH = Field("petal_width")
    SPECIES = Field("species")

    def load(cls) -> pd.DataFrame:
        return pd.read_csv(

Calling load() on the Relation, we can retrieve a dataframe:

iris_df = Iris.load()

Most importantly, now using the Relation's Schema, we can access/modify iris_df referencing fields we like:

print(iris_df[[Iris.SEPAL_LENGTH, Iris.SEPAL_WIDTH]])

A command like above now references the member variables on Iris to access fields – these will also be autocompleted by your IDE, checked if they exist (avoiding typos) and allow easy refactoring (e.g. if the column name changes in the source – just change it once in Field(...)!).

Using Field definitions inside of load()

Since load() is a class method, it is easily possible to refer to defined Fields already in it:

from blizz import Relation, Field
import pandas as pd

class Iris(Relation):

    SEPAL_LENGTH = Field("sepal_length")
    SEPAL_WIDTH = Field("sepal_width")
    PETAL_LENGTH = Field("petal_length")
    PETAL_WIDTH = Field("petal_width")
    SPECIES = Field("species")
    # a newly defined field:
    SEPAL_PETAL_WIDTH = Field("sepal_petal_width")

    def load(cls) -> pd.DataFrame:
        iris = pd.read_csv(
        iris[cls.SEPAL_PETAL_WIDTH] = iris[cls.SEPAL_WIDTH] + iris[cls.PETAL_WIDTH]
        return iris

In this example, one can see how to add another, derived field to the Relation which is just built on loading, leveraging existing Field references.

Defining Metadata properties on Field

Field is implemented in an elegant way: It cleanly folds down to a Python string when you use it as part of an expression (e.g. inside of square brackets for Pandas), but actually, it is not a string.

In the previous examples, Fields have been only constructed using its default first attribute, .name. However, it does also support a big variety of useful declarations one might like to make (see API Reference on Relation and Field below!), such as defining datatypes, adding a description or the Field's default value:

class Iris(Relation):
    # setting some example additional Field attributes:
    # 1. of course most importantly, one can set a datatype to complete the
    #    Relation's schema definition in the classical sense:
    SEPAL_LENGTH = Field("sepal_length", datatype=float)

    # for use with Pandas, `datatype` accepts Python inbuilts (e.g. float, object, int),
    # quoted names of Pandas datatypes, and also instances of numpy types, such as
    #, numpy.number, etc.

    # 2. to capture metadata, and for documentation purposes, a description can be set:
    SEPAL_WIDTH = Field("sepal_width", description="The Sepal length")

    # 3. `default` also to capture a default row value for a Field:
    PETAL_LENGTH = Field("petal_length", default=0.0)
    PETAL_WIDTH = Field("petal_width")

    # 4. the boolean flag `key` allows to specify key fields:
    SPECIES = Field("species", key=True)

    def load(cls) -> pd.DataFrame:
        iris = pd.read_csv(
        # using all defined key fields, one could run a simply deduplication command:
        iris_dedup = iris.drop_duplicates(subset=cls.get_key_fields())
        return iris_dedup

Relation hierarchies

Since Fields are Python variables (class members of Relation), this makes building connected Relations very easy:

# based on Iris, we can define a derived second Relation `IrisSepal`:

class IrisSepal(Relation):
    """ All records of Iris but filtered on a subset of Fields, just for the Sepal."""

    # we can simply reference the existing definitions that were made:

    def load(cls) -> pd.DataFrame:
        # we call Iris's load() method but filter it down to `IrisSepal`'s fields:
        return Iris.load()[cls.get_field_names()]

In the example above, the load() method additionally shows that each Relation offers helpful methods to interact with metadata – in this case get_field_names() can retrieve all defined fields as strings. See API Reference on Relation and Field for the full list of available methods.

Making use of metadata declarations: blizz.check & blizz.apply

Having defined structured metadata on a Relation's fields can be very powerful to carry out basic operations.

For this purpose, blizz defines two modules with Python function decorators, meant to be added on-top of the load() method:

  • blizz.check: defines several utilities to check a loaded Relation against the definition.
  • blizz.apply: defines several utilities for often occuring transformations to the Relation's dataframe

All of these utlities work are implemented with equal functionality on Pandas and Pyspark.

Consider this example, which takes care of schema checking (field names, field types, field keys), deduplication and checking for duplicates:

from blizz import Relation, Field
import blizz.check, blizz.apply
import pandas as pd

class Iris(Relation):

    SEPAL_LENGTH = Field("sepal_length", datatype=float)
    SEPAL_WIDTH = Field("sepal_width", datatype=float)
    PETAL_LENGTH = Field("petal_length", default=0.0)
    PETAL_WIDTH = Field("petal_width", datatype=float)
    SPECIES = Field("species", datatype=object, key=True)

    def load(cls) -> pd.DataFrame:
        return pd.read_csv(


It is important to note, that these decorator utilities execute after the load() function has finished, and the order of writing them matters. As an example, it makes more sense to execute blizz.apply.deduplication first, and then check its result with blizz.check.keys (unless you already expect it deduplicated, then avoid blizz.apply.deduplication entirely!).

In this use case, your decorators have to be defined in this order (lowest one runs first):

    def load(cls)->pd.DataFrame:

Using blizz with PySpark

Using blizz with PySpark works very similarly to the examples shown above – the only difference lies in using different datatypes for Field definitions (either instances of pyspark.sql.types.DataType or the PySpark datatypes simpleString representation (e.g. "int", "string", ...)), and of course having to implement load() on each Relation differently, to return a pyspark.sql.DataFrame:

from pyspark import SparkFiles
from blizz import Relation, Field
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import DoubleType
import blizz.check

class Iris(Relation):
    SEPAL_LENGTH = Field("sepal_length", datatype=DoubleType)
    SEPAL_WIDTH = Field("sepal_width", datatype="double")
    PETAL_LENGTH = Field("petal_length", datatype=DoubleType)
    PETAL_WIDTH = Field("petal_width", datatype=DoubleType)
    SPECIES = Field("species", datatype="string")

    def load(cls, spark_session) -> DataFrame:

        df =
            SparkFiles.get("iris.csv"), inferSchema=True, header=True

        return df

# set up a simple spark session:
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
# calling load(), we can retrieve a dataframe for the Relation:
iris_df = Iris.load(spark)
# using the Relation's Schema, we can access/modify iris_df referencing fields we like:, Iris.SEPAL_LENGTH).show()

API Reference on Relation and Field

The Field() constructor accepts the following arguments (besides name, all optional):

  • name: the target field name, referencing a field in the Relation as retrieved by load(). If you want to retrieve an originally differently name field, then capture its source name in source_name
  • source_name: the field name as in the source – useful for load() to retrieve the Relation, before fields get renamed – such renaming can be done by blizz.apply.renames
  • datatype: the Field's datatype – for Pandas, can be defined as Python built-in, numpy type, or as a String value ("int"). For PySpark, use pyspark.sql.types.DataType or the PySpark datatypes simpleString representation (e.g. "int", "string", ...).
  • default: allows one to define a literal as a default value on NULL
  • description: allows one to provide a string as a description/comment on the Field
  • key: a boolean flag indicating if this field is part of the primary key
  • mock: allows one to define a callable mocking data for this Field – useful for testing of Relation's with synthetic data.

Each Relation defines the following useful methods on class level:

  • Relation.get_fields(): returns all Fields as defined
  • Relation.get_field_names(): returns all Fields names as defined
  • Relation.get_types(): returns all Fields datatypes
  • Relation.get_key_fields(): returns all Fields, defined as key
  • Relation.get_key_field_names(): returns all names of Fields, defined as key
  • Relation.get_defaults(): return a Dictionary mapping from Field to its default value, where defined
  • Relation.get_default(<Field>): return the default value for a Field
  • Relation.mock(): to be overridden by each Relation – allows one to define a mocked version of load() to produce synthetic data for testing.

Of course it is entirely possibly, to define a subclass of Relation for your own purposes, which deals with common use-cases by own class functions it adds! For instance, you might want to create a SQLRelation which already bundles useful methods or definitions to allow you quickling retrieving these kind of Relations from a SQL RDBMS.

API Reference on blizz.check & blizz.apply

blizz.check offers the following decorators for checking:

  • blizz.check.fields: validates on the DataFrame returned by load(), that it contains at least all fields (by name) as defined on the Relation
  • blizz.check.types: validates that all fields that have defined data types on the Relation match with their data types as in the DataFrame returned by load()
  • blizz.check.keys: validates that the subset of all Fields marked as keys is unique

All blizz.check decorators accept the argument on_fail, which can be set to:

  • blizz.check.WARN: raise a warning on failing the check
  • blizz.check.RAISE: raise an exception on failing the check

blizz.apply offers the following decorators for transformations:

  • blizz.apply.deduplication: deduplicate the DataFrame returned by load() either by the Fields already marked as keys of the Relation, or the subset of Field given as argument key:List[str] to the decorator (which has precedence). Additionally the decorator supports the arguments sort_on:List[str] and sort_order (which can be either blizz.apply.ASC or blizz.apply.DESC) – this can ensure which non-key records are preferrably kept on duplication. E.g. when you find a duplicate based on the key-column, then pick among those duplicates the most recently updated row – here one might use something like: sort_on = ["update_timestamp"], sort_order = blizz.apply.DESC.
  • blizz.apply.defaults: fill defined defaults for NULL values in the DataFrame returned by load(), either using the defined value defaults from the Relation's Fields (if exist) or as given with as the argument fill: List[str] to the decorator (which has precedence).
  • blizz.apply.renames: perform Field renames for columns in the DataFrame as returned by load(), either using the defined pairs of Field.source_name -> (where exists) or using the rename definitions as given as argument columns:Dict[str,str] to the decorator, which will be added to the renames to perform.

Bootstrapping – generate schema definitions from DataFrames

As you've seen above, blizz can be a powerful tool in your Python data pipelines. However it needs properly defined Relations, which can be tedious at the start.

For this, blizz can boostrap Relations from existing PySpark or Pandas DataFrames using blizz.relation_from_dataframe().

>>> blizz.relation_from_dataframe(df=departments_df, name="Departments")

import blizz.check
from blizz import Relation, Field
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame
from pyspark.sql.types import *

class Departments(Relation):
    todo: describe relation Departments in this docstring
    DEPARTMENT_ID = Field(name="Department_ID", datatype=StringType)
    DEPARTMENT_NAME = Field(name="Department_Name", datatype=StringType)
    DOE = Field(name="DOE", datatype=TimestampType)

    @blizz.check.keys(on_fail = blizz.check.WARN)
    @blizz.check.types(on_fail = blizz.check.WARN)
    @blizz.check.fields(on_fail = blizz.check.WARN)
    def load(cls) -> DataFrame:
        todo: describe relation Departments load process in this docstring
        # todo: implement data source loading here

You can then simply copy and paste and adjust this as needed.

Beyond: blizz Feature Library

EXPERIMENTAL – only supported with PySpark

On top of blizz's primitives, the plan is to build a lightweight Feature Library component for Machine Learning. There is an example of this experimental API included as part of src/tutorial. Conceptually the API allows to express features programmatically, but in a well structured way using lightweight classes. This makes it possible then, to decouple the feature generation from the pure feature definition.

blizz has also a CLI – serving as a client to instruct a PySpark process which features to build, all based on a defined blizz Feature Library.

In order to do this, one:

  1. defines a Feature Library in code as done with src/tutorial/example_feature_library
  2. defines a feature list definition: this is a YAML file of all FeatureGroups/Features one wants to have calculated, being also able to specify parameters for parameterizable features and to specify the output storage format. An example is given here src/tutorial/ExampleFeatureList.yaml
  3. calls the blizz CLI with both and the output path: blizz build src/tutorial/ExampleFeatureList.yaml src/tutorial/example_feature_library my_features

This brings together the code-based definition of all data sources (by blizz primitives) and features (by blizz FeatureGroup & Feature) with the instruction in the form of the YAML file what and how (parameterized features) to calculate.

Why is this approach powerful?

  1. how to retrieve data sources, check them, and build features on-top is purely captured in code. This means it is fully supported by IDE type checks, autocompletion and refactoring abilities.
  2. due to this code centric means of definition, the whole end to end pipeline is easily managed and versioned – as a Python package.
  3. expressing ML features in a structured way allows to leverage a common, powerful Spark based factory to build them – whoever wants features, only needs to call blizz build ... with their YAML build instructions and pointing to a blizz Feature Library codebase (which can be checked out at a version as desired). As internally, blizz pipelines are just nested function calls on top of pyspark.sql, this heavily benefits from both lazy evaluation and execution plan optimizations. This happens completely transparently thanks to Spark.
  4. in this way, definitions to calculate features can be centralized and shared purely on the code level. Consumers of features, e.g. specialized ML models, just need to install blizz, write YAML build instructions and point to the FeatureLibrary – their model does not even need to be in Python.

Beyond: Generate Documentation

Thanks to its rich metadata about Relations, Fields and Features, the task of documentation becomes easier for data practitioners. On top of structured information serving as documentation, Python docstrings will be automatically used, e.g. on class level underneath a Relation, when describing Relation.load() and similarly for FeatureGroup and Feature.

The philosophy here is, not write documentation twice – e.g. in code and somewhere else – but rather to make it code driven as well.

A nice (experimental) feature is the following, which will create a Sphinx project from a blizz.FeatureGroup's metadata and serve it:

blizz docs src/tutorial/example_feature_library --serve

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blizz-0.2.1.tar.gz (1.6 MB view hashes)

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blizz-0.2.1-py3-none-any.whl (146.4 kB view hashes)

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