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Lightweight function registries for your library

Project description

catalogue: Lightweight function registries and configurations for your library

catalogue is a small library that

  • makes it easy to add function (or object) registries to your code
  • offers a configuration system letting you conveniently describe arbitrary trees of objects.

Function registries are helpful when you have objects that need to be both easily serializable and fully customizable. Instead of passing a function into your object, you pass in an identifier name, which the object can use to lookup the function from the registry. This makes the object easy to serialize, because the name is a simple string. If you instead saved the function, you'd have to use Pickle for serialization, which has many drawbacks.

Configuration is a huge challenge for machine-learning code because you may want to expose almost any detail of any function as a hyperparameter. The setting you want to expose might be arbitrarily far down in your call stack, so it might need to pass all the way through the CLI or REST API, through any number of intermediate functions, affecting the interface of everything along the way. And then once those settings are added, they become hard to remove later. Default values also become hard to change without breaking backwards compatibility.

To solve this problem, catalogue offers a config system that lets you easily describe arbitrary trees of objects. The objects can be created via function calls you register using a simple decorator syntax. You can even version the functions you create, allowing you to make improvements without breaking backwards compatibility. The most similar config system we’re aware of is Gin, which uses a similar syntax, and also allows you to link the configuration system to functions in your code using a decorator. catalogue's config system is simpler and emphasizes a different workflow via a subset of Gin’s functionality.

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⏳ Installation

pip install catalogue
conda install -c conda-forge catalogue

⚠️ Important note: catalogue v2.0+ is only compatible with Python 3.6+. For Python 2.7+ compatibility, use catalogue v1.x.

👩‍💻 Usage

Function registry

Let's imagine you're developing a Python package that needs to load data somewhere. You've already implemented some loader functions for the most common data types, but you want to allow the user to easily add their own. Using catalogue.create you can create a new registry under the namespace your_packageloaders.

import catalogue

loaders = catalogue.create("your_package", "loaders")

This gives you a loaders.register decorator that your users can import and decorate their custom loader functions with.

from your_package import loaders

def custom_loader(data):
    # Load something here...
    return data

The decorated function will be registered automatically and in your package, you'll be able to access all loaders by calling loaders.get_all.

def load_data(data, loader_id):
    print("All loaders:", loaders.get_all()) # {"custom_loader": <custom_loader>}
    loader = loaders.get(loader_id)
    return loader(data)

The user can now refer to their custom loader using only its string name ("custom_loader") and your application will know what to do and will use their custom function.

from your_package import load_data

load_data(data, loader_id="custom_loader")


The configuration system parses a .cfg file like

patience = 10
dropout = 0.2
use_vectors = false

level = "INFO"

# This uses the value of training.use_vectors
use_vectors = ${training.use_vectors}
lang = "en"

and resolves it to a Dict:

  "training": {
    "patience": 10,
    "dropout": 0.2,
    "use_vectors": false,
    "logging": {
      "level": "INFO"
  "nlp": {
    "use_vectors": false,
    "lang": "en"

The config is divided into sections, with the section name in square brackets – for example, [training]. Within the sections, config values can be assigned to keys using =. Values can also be referenced from other sections using the dot notation and placeholders indicated by the dollar sign and curly braces. For example, ${training.use_vectors} will receive the value of use_vectors in the training block. This is useful for settings that are shared across components.

The config format has three main differences from Python’s built-in configparser:

  1. JSON-formatted values. catalogue passes all values through json.loads to interpret them. You can use atomic values like strings, floats, integers or booleans, or you can use complex objects such as lists or maps.
  2. Structured sections. catalogue uses a dot notation to build nested sections. If you have a section named [section.subsection], catalogue will parse that into a nested structure, placing subsection within section.
  3. References to registry functions. If a key starts with @, catalogue will interpret its value as the name of a function registry, load the function registered for that name and pass in the rest of the block as arguments. If type hints are available on the function, the argument values (and return value of the function) will be validated against them. This lets you express complex configurations, like a training pipeline where batch_size is populated by a function that yields floats.

There’s no pre-defined scheme you have to follow; how you set up the top-level sections is up to you. At the end of it, you’ll receive a dictionary with the values that you can use in your script – whether it’s complete initialized functions, or just basic settings.

For instance, let’s say you want to define a new optimizer. You'd define its arguments in config.cfg like so:

@optimizers = "my_cool_optimizer.v1"
learn_rate = 0.001
gamma = 1e-8

To load and parse this configuration:

import dataclasses
from typing import Union, Iterable

from catalogue import catalogue_registry, Config

# Create a new registry.

# Define a dummy optimizer class.
class MyCoolOptimizer:
    learn_rate: float
    gamma: float

def make_my_optimizer(learn_rate: Union[float, Iterable[float]], gamma: float):
    return MyCoolOptimizer(learn_rate, gamma)

# Load the config file from disk, resolve it and fetch the instantiated optimizer object.
config = Config().from_disk("./config.cfg")
resolved = catalogue_registry.resolve(config)
optimizer = resolved["optimizer"]  # MyCoolOptimizer(learn_rate=0.001, gamma=1e-08)

Under the hood, catalogue will look up the "my_cool_optimizer.v1" function in the "optimizers" registry and then call it with the arguments learn_rate and gamma. If the function has type annotations, it will also validate the input. For instance, if learn_rate is annotated as a float and the config defines a string, catalogue will raise an error.

The Thinc documentation offers further information on the configuration system:


But can't the user just pass in the custom_loader function directly?

Sure, that's the more classic callback approach. Instead of a string ID, load_data could also take a function, in which case you wouldn't need a package like this. catalogue helps you when you need to produce a serializable record of which functions were passed in. For instance, you might want to write a log message, or save a config to load back your object later. With catalogue, your functions can be parameterized by strings, so logging and serialization remains easy – while still giving you full extensibility.

How do I make sure all of the registration decorators have run?

Decorators normally run when modules are imported. Relying on this side-effect can sometimes lead to confusion, especially if there's no other reason the module would be imported. One solution is to use entry points.

For instance, in spaCy we're starting to use function registries to make the pipeline components much more customizable. Let's say one user, Jo, develops a better tagging model using new machine learning research. End-users of Jo's package should be able to write spacy.load("jo_tagging_model"). They shouldn't need to remember to write import jos_tagged_model first, just to run the function registries as a side-effect. With entry points, the registration happens at install time – so you don't need to rely on the import side-effects.



function catalogue.create

Create a new registry for a given namespace. Returns a setter function that can be used as a decorator or called with a name and func keyword argument. If entry_points=True is set, the registry will check for Python entry points advertised for the given namespace, e.g. the entry point group spacy_architectures for the namespace "spacy", "architectures", in Registry.get and Registry.get_all. This allows other packages to auto-register functions.

Argument Type Description
*namespace str The namespace, e.g. "spacy" or "spacy", "architectures".
entry_points bool Whether to check for entry points of the given namespace and pre-populate the global registry.
RETURNS Registry The Registry object with methods to register and retrieve functions.
architectures = catalogue.create("spacy", "architectures")

# Use as decorator
def custom_architecture():

# Use as regular function
architectures.register("custom_architecture", func=custom_architecture)

class Registry

The registry object that can be used to register and retrieve functions. It's usually created internally when you call catalogue.create.

method Registry.__init__

Initialize a new registry. If entry_points=True is set, the registry will check for Python entry points advertised for the given namespace, e.g. the entry point group spacy_architectures for the namespace "spacy", "architectures", in Registry.get and Registry.get_all.

Argument Type Description
namespace Tuple[str] The namespace, e.g. "spacy" or "spacy", "architectures".
entry_points bool Whether to check for entry points of the given namespace in get and get_all.
RETURNS Registry The newly created object.
# User-facing API
architectures = catalogue.create("spacy", "architectures")
# Internal API
architectures = Registry(("spacy", "architectures"))
method Registry.__contains__

Check whether a name is in the registry.

Argument Type Description
name str The name to check.
RETURNS bool Whether the name is in the registry.
architectures = catalogue.create("spacy", "architectures")

def custom_architecture():

assert "custom_architecture" in architectures
method Registry.__call__

Register a function in the registry's namespace. Can be used as a decorator or called as a function with the func keyword argument supplying the function to register. Delegates to Registry.register.

method Registry.register

Register a function in the registry's namespace. Can be used as a decorator or called as a function with the func keyword argument supplying the function to register.

Argument Type Description
name str The name to register under the namespace.
func Any Optional function to register (if not used as decorator).
RETURNS Callable The decorator that takes one argument, the name.
architectures = catalogue.create("spacy", "architectures")

# Use as decorator
def custom_architecture():

# Use as regular function
architectures.register("custom_architecture", func=custom_architecture)
method Registry.get

Get a function registered in the namespace.

Argument Type Description
name str The name.
RETURNS Any The registered function.
custom_architecture = architectures.get("custom_architecture")
method Registry.get_all

Get all functions in the registry's namespace.

Argument Type Description
RETURNS Dict[str, Any] The registered functions, keyed by name.
all_architectures = architectures.get_all()
# {"custom_architecture": <custom_architecture>}
method Registry.get_entry_points

Get registered entry points from other packages for this namespace. The name of the entry point group is the namespace joined by _.

Argument Type Description
RETURNS Dict[str, Any] The loaded entry points, keyed by name.
architectures = catalogue.create("spacy", "architectures", entry_points=True)
# Will get all entry points of the group "spacy_architectures"
all_entry_points = architectures.get_entry_points()
method Registry.get_entry_point

Check if registered entry point is available for a given name in the namespace and load it. Otherwise, return the default value.

Argument Type Description
name str Name of entry point to load.
default Any The default value to return. Defaults to None.
RETURNS Any The loaded entry point or the default value.
architectures = catalogue.create("spacy", "architectures", entry_points=True)
# Will get entry point "custom_architecture" of the group "spacy_architectures"
custom_architecture = architectures.get_entry_point("custom_architecture")
method Registry.find

Find the information about a registered function, including the module and path to the file it's defined in, the line number and the docstring, if available.

Argument Type Description
name str Name of the registered function.
RETURNS Dict[str, Union[str, int]] The information about the function.
import catalogue

architectures = catalogue.create("spacy", "architectures", entry_points=True)

def my_architecture():
    """This is an architecture"""

info = architectures.find("my_architecture")
# {'module': 'your_package.architectures',
#  'file': '/path/to/your_package/',
#  'line_no': 5,
#  'docstring': 'This is an architecture'}

function catalogue.check_exists

Check if a namespace exists.

Argument Type Description
*namespace str The namespace, e.g. "spacy" or "spacy", "architectures".
RETURNS bool Whether the namespace exists.


class Config

This class holds the model and training configuration and can load and save the INI-style configuration format from/to a string, file or bytes. The Config class is a subclass of dict and uses Python’s ConfigParser under the hood.

method Config.__init__

Initialize a new Config object with optional data.

from catalogue import Config
config = Config({"training": {"patience": 10, "dropout": 0.2}})
Argument Type Description
data Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], Config]] Optional data to initialize the config with.
section_order Optional[List[str]] Top-level section names, in order, used to sort the saved and loaded config. All other sections will be sorted alphabetically.
is_interpolated Optional[bool] Whether the config is interpolated or whether it contains variables. Read from the data if it’s an instance of Config and otherwise defaults to True.
method Config.from_str

Load the config from a string.

from catalogue import Config

config_str = """
patience = 10
dropout = 0.2
config = Config().from_str(config_str)
print(config["training"])  # {'patience': 10, 'dropout': 0.2}}
Argument Type Description
text str The string config to load.
interpolate bool Whether to interpolate variables like ${section.key}. Defaults to True.
overrides Dict[str, Any] Overrides for values and sections. Keys are provided in dot notation, e.g. "training.dropout" mapped to the value.
RETURNS Config The loaded config.
method Config.to_str

Load the config from a string.

from catalogue import Config

config = Config({"training": {"patience": 10, "dropout": 0.2}})
print(config.to_str()) # '[training]\npatience = 10\n\ndropout = 0.2'
Argument Type Description
interpolate bool Whether to interpolate variables like ${section.key}. Defaults to True.
RETURNS str The string config.
method Config.to_bytes

Serialize the config to a byte string.

from catalogue import Config

config = Config({"training": {"patience": 10, "dropout": 0.2}})
config_bytes = config.to_bytes()
print(config_bytes)  # b'[training]\npatience = 10\n\ndropout = 0.2'
Argument Type Description
interpolate bool Whether to interpolate variables like ${section.key}. Defaults to True.
overrides Dict[str, Any] Overrides for values and sections. Keys are provided in dot notation, e.g. "training.dropout" mapped to the value.
RETURNS str The serialized config.
method Config.from_bytes

Load the config from a byte string.

from catalogue import Config

config = Config({"training": {"patience": 10, "dropout": 0.2}})
config_bytes = config.to_bytes()
new_config = Config().from_bytes(config_bytes)
Argument Type Description
bytes_data bool The data to load.
interpolate bool Whether to interpolate variables like ${section.key}. Defaults to True.
RETURNS Config The loaded config.
method Config.to_disk

Serialize the config to a file.

from catalogue import Config

config = Config({"training": {"patience": 10, "dropout": 0.2}})
Argument Type Description
path Union[Path, str] The file path.
interpolate bool Whether to interpolate variables like ${section.key}. Defaults to True.
method Config.from_disk

Load the config from a file.

from catalogue import Config

config = Config({"training": {"patience": 10, "dropout": 0.2}})
new_config = Config().from_disk("./config.cfg")
Argument Type Description
path Union[Path, str] The file path.
interpolate bool Whether to interpolate variables like ${section.key}. Defaults to True.
overrides Dict[str, Any] Overrides for values and sections. Keys are provided in dot notation, e.g. "training.dropout" mapped to the value.
RETURNS Config The loaded config.
method Config.copy

Deep-copy the config.

Argument Type Description
RETURNS Config The copied config.
method Config.interpolate

Interpolate variables like ${section.value} or ${section.subsection} and return a copy of the config with interpolated values. Can be used if a config is loaded with interpolate=False, e.g. via Config.from_str.

from catalogue import Config

config_str = """
dropout = 0.2

dropout = ${hyper_params.dropout}
config = Config().from_str(config_str, interpolate=False)
print(config["training"])  # {'dropout': '${hyper_params.dropout}'}}
config = config.interpolate()
print(config["training"])  # {'dropout': 0.2}}
Argument Type Description
RETURNS Config A copy of the config with interpolated values.
method Config.merge

Deep-merge two config objects, using the current config as the default. Only merges sections and dictionaries and not other values like lists. Values that are provided in the updates are overwritten in the base config, and any new values or sections are added. If a config value is a variable like ${section.key} (e.g. if the config was loaded with interpolate=False), the variable is preferred, even if the updates provide a different value. This ensures that variable references aren’t destroyed by a merge.

:warning: Note that blocks that refer to registered functions using the @ syntax are only merged if they are referring to the same functions. Otherwise, merging could easily produce invalid configs, since different functions can take different arguments. If a block refers to a different function, it’s overwritten.

from catalogue import Config

base_config_str = """
patience = 10
dropout = 0.2
update_config_str = """
dropout = 0.1
max_epochs = 2000

base_config = Config().from_str(base_config_str)
update_config = Config().from_str(update_config_str)
merged = Config(base_config).merge(update_config)
print(merged["training"])  # {'patience': 10, 'dropout': 1.0, 'max_epochs': 2000}
Argument Type Description
overrides Union[Dict[str, Any], Config] The updates to merge into the config.
RETURNS Config A new config instance containing the merged config.

Config Attributes

Argument Type Description
is_interpolated bool Whether the config values have been interpolated. Defaults to True and is set to False if a config is loaded with interpolate=False, e.g. using Config.from_str.

Project details

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Source Distribution

catalogue-2.1.0.tar.gz (51.9 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

catalogue-2.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (47.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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