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Parsing of command line options, yaml/jsonnet config files and/or environment variables based on argparse.

Project description

jsonargparse (former yamlargparse)

This module is an extension to python’s argparse which simplifies parsing of configuration options from command line arguments, json supersets (yaml or jsonnet) configuration files, environment variables and hard-coded defaults.

The aim is similar to other projects such as configargparse, yconf and confuse. The obvious question is, why yet another module similar to many already existing ones? The answer is simply that none of the existing projects had the exact features we wanted and after analyzing the alternatives it seemed simpler to create a new module.


  • Parsers are configured just like with python’s argparse, thus it has a gentle learning curve.

  • Not exclusively intended for parsing command line arguments. The main focus is parsing yaml or jsonnet configuration files and not necessarily from a command line tool.

  • Support for nested namespaces which makes it possible to parse config files with non-flat hierarchies.

  • Support for two popular supersets of json, making config files more versatile and powerful.

  • Parsing of relative paths within config files and path lists.

  • Several convenient action classes to ease common parsing use cases (paths, comparison operators, json schemas, …).

  • Default behavior is not identical to argparse, though it is possible to configure it to be identical. The main differences are:

    • When parsing fails .ParserError is raised, instead of printing usage and program exit.

    • To modify the behavior for parsing errors (e.g. print usage) an error handler function can be provided.

  • Configuration values are overridden based on the following precedence.

    • Parsing command line: command line arguments (might include config file) > environment variables > default config file > defaults.

    • Parsing files: config file > environment variables > default config file > defaults.

    • Parsing environment: environment variables > default config file > defaults.

Basic usage

A parser is created just like it is done with argparse. You import the module, create a parser object and then add arguments to it. A simple example would be:

from jsonargparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser(
    description='Description for my app.')

    help='Help for option 1.')

    help='Help for option 2.')

After creating the parser, you can use it to parse command line arguments with the jsonargparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args function, after which you get an object with the parsed values or defaults available as attributes. For illustrative purposes giving to parse_args a list of arguments (instead of automatically getting them from the command line arguments), with the parser from above you would observe:

>>> cfg = parser.parse_args(['--opt2', '2.3'])
>>> cfg.opt1, type(cfg.opt1)
(0, <class 'int'>)
>>> cfg.opt2, type(cfg.opt2)
(2.3, <class 'float'>)

If the parsing fails a .ParserError is raised, so depending on the use case it might be necessary to catch it.

>>> try:
...     cfg = parser.parse_args(['--opt2', 'four'])
... except jsonargparse.ParserError as ex:
...     print('parser error: '+str(ex))
parser error: argument --opt2: invalid float value: 'four'

To get the default behavior of argparse the ArgumentParser can be initialized as follows:

parser = ArgumentParser(
    description='Description for my app.')

Nested namespaces

A difference with respect to the basic argparse is that it by using dot notation in the argument names, you can define a hierarchy of nested namespaces. So for example you could do the following:

>>> parser = ArgumentParser(prog='app')
>>> parser.add_argument('--lev1.opt1', default='from default 1')
>>> parser.add_argument('--lev1.opt2', default='from default 2')
>>> cfg = parser.get_defaults()
>>> cfg.lev1.opt1
'from default 2'
>>> cfg.lev1.opt2
'from default 2'

Environment variables

The jsonargparse parsers can also get values from environment variables. The parser checks existing environment variables whose name is of the form [PREFIX_][LEV__]*OPT, that is all in upper case, first a prefix (set by env_prefix, or if unset the prog without extension) followed by underscore and then the argument name replacing dots with two underscores. Using the parser from the nested-namespaces section above, in your shell you would set the environment variables as:

export APP_LEV1__OPT1='from env 1'
export APP_LEV1__OPT2='from env 2'

Then in python the parser would use these variables, unless overridden by the command line arguments, that is:

>>> parser = ArgumentParser(env_prefix='APP', default_env=True)
>>> parser.add_argument('--lev1.opt1', default='from default 1')
>>> parser.add_argument('--lev1.opt2', default='from default 2')
>>> cfg = parser.parse_args(['--lev1.opt1', 'from arg 1'])
>>> cfg.lev1.opt1
'from arg 1'
>>> cfg.lev1.opt2
'from env 2'

Note that when creating the parser, default_env=True was given as argument. By default jsonargparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args does not check environment variables, so it has to be enabled explicitly.

There is also the jsonargparse.ArgumentParser.parse_env function to only parse environment variables, which might be useful for some use cases in which there is no command line call involved.

If a parser includes an .ActionConfigFile argument, then the environment variable for this config file will be checked before all the other environment variables.

Configuration files

An important feature of this module is the parsing of yaml/json files. The dot notation hierarchy of the arguments (see nested-namespaces) are used for the expected structure in the config files.

When creating the .ArgumentParser the default_config_files argument can be given to specify patterns to search for configuration files. Only the first matched config file is parsed.

When parsing command line arguments, it is possible to add a configuration file path argument. The config file would be read and parsed in the specific position among the command line arguments, so the arguments after would override the values from the configuration file. If the config argument can be given multiple times, each overriding the values of the previous. Again using the parser from the nested-namespaces section above, for example we could have the following config file in yaml format:

# File: example.yaml
  opt1: from yaml 1
  opt2: from yaml 2

Then in python adding a yaml file argument and parsing some example arguments, the following would be observed:

>>> from jsonargparse import ArgumentParser, ActionConfigFile
>>> parser = ArgumentParser()
>>> parser.add_argument('--lev1.opt1', default='from default 1')
>>> parser.add_argument('--lev1.opt2', default='from default 2')
>>> parser.add_argument('--cfg', action=ActionConfigFile)
>>> cfg = parser.parse_args(['--lev1.opt1', 'from arg 1', '--cfg', 'example.yaml', '--lev1.opt2', 'from arg 2'])
>>> cfg.lev1.opt1
'from yaml 1'
>>> cfg.lev1.opt2
'from arg 2'

Instead of providing a path to a configuration file, a string with the configuration content can also be provided.

>>> cfg = parser.parse_args(['--cfg', '{"lev1":{"opt1":"from string 1"}}'])
>>> cfg.lev1.opt1
'from string 1'

The config file could also be provided as an environment variable as explained in section environment-variables. The configuration file environment variable is the first one to be parsed. So any other argument provided through environment variables would override the config file one.

A configuration file or string can also be parsed without parsing command line arguments. The functions for this are jsonargparse.ArgumentParser.parse_path and jsonargparse.ArgumentParser.parse_string to parse a config file or a config contained in a string respectively.

Json schemas

The .ActionJsonSchema class is provided to allow parsing and validation of values using a json schema. This class requires the jsonschema python package. Though note that jsonschema is not a requirement of the minimal jsonargparse install. To enable this functionality install the module with the all extras requires as:

$ pip3 install jsonargparse[all]

Check out the jsonschema documentation to learn how to write a schema. The current version of jsonargparse uses Draft4Validator. Parsing an argument using a json schema is done like in the following example:

>>> schema = {
...     "type" : "object",
...     "properties" : {
...         "price" : {"type" : "number"},
...         "name" : {"type" : "string"},
...     },
... }

>>> from jsonargparse import ActionJsonSchema
>>> parser.add_argument('--op', action=ActionJsonSchema(schema=schema))

>>> parser.parse_args(['--op', '{"price": 1.5, "name": "cookie"}'])
namespace(op=namespace(name='cookie', price=1.5))

Instead of giving a json string as argument value, it is also possible to provide a path to a json/yaml file, which would be loaded and validated against the schema. If the schema defines default values, these will be used by the parser to initialize the config values that are not specified. When adding an argument with the .ActionJsonSchema action, you can use “%s” in the help string so that in that position the schema will be printed.

Jsonnet files

The Jsonnet support requires jsonschema and jsonnet python packages which are not included with minimal jsonargparse install. To enable this functionality install jsonargparse with the all extras requires as:

$ pip3 install jsonargparse[all]

By default an .ArgumentParser parses configuration files as yaml. However, if instantiated giving as argument parser_mode='jsonnet', then parse_args, parse_path and parse_string will expect config files to be in jsonnet format instead. Example:

>>> from jsonargparse import ArgumentParser, ActionConfigFile
>>> parser = ArgumentParser(parser_mode='jsonnet')
>>> parser.add_argument('--cfg', action=ActionConfigFile)
>>> cfg = parser.parse_args(['--cfg', 'example.jsonnet'])

Jsonnet files are commonly parametrized, thus requiring external variables for parsing. For these cases, instead of changing the parser mode away from yaml, the .ActionJsonnet class can be used. This action allows to define an argument which would be a jsonnet string or a path to a jsonnet file. Moreover, another argument can be specified as the source for any external variables required, which would be either a path to or a string containing a json dictionary of variables. Its use would be as follows:

from jsonargparse import ArgumentParser, ActionJsonnet, ActionJsonnetExtVars
parser = ArgumentParser()

For example, if a jsonnet file required some external variable param, then the jsonnet and the external variable could be given as:

cfg = parser.parse_args(['--in_ext_vars', '{"param": 123}', '--in_jsonnet', 'path_to_jsonnet'])

Note that the external variables argument must be provided before the jsonnet path so that this dictionary already exists when parsing the jsonnet.

The .ActionJsonnet class also accepts as argument a json schema, in which case the jsonnet would be validated against this schema right after parsing.

Parsing paths

For some use cases it is necessary to parse file paths, checking its existence and access permissions, but not necessarily opening the file. Moreover, a file path could be included in a config file as relative with respect to the config file’s location. After parsing it should be easy to access the parsed file path without having to consider the location of the config file. To help in these situations jsonargparse includes the .ActionPath and the .ActionPathList classes.

For example suppose you have a directory with a configuration file app/config.yaml and some data app/data/info.db. The contents of the yaml file is the following:

# File: config.yaml
  info: data/info.db

To create a parser that checks that the value of exists and is readable, the following could be done:

>>> from jsonargparse import ArgumentParser, ActionPath
>>> parser = ArgumentParser()
>>> parser.add_argument('', action=ActionPath(mode='fr'))
>>> cfg = parser.parse_path('app/config.yaml')

After parsing the value of will be an instance of the .Path class that allows to get both the original relative path as included in the yaml file, or the corresponding absolute path:


Likewise directories can also be parsed by including in the mode the 'd' flag, e.g. ActionPath(mode='drw').

The content of a file that a .Path instance references can be read by using the jsonargparse.Path.get_content method. For the previous example would be info_db =

An argument with .ActionPath can be given nargs='+' to parse multiple paths. But it might also be wanted to parse a list of paths found in a plain text file or from stdin. For this the .ActionPathList is used and as argument either the path to a file listing the paths is given or the special '-' string for reading the list from stdin. For for example:

>>> from jsonargparse import ActionPathList
>>> parser.add_argument('--list', action=ActionPathList(mode='fr'))
>>> cfg = parser.parse_args(['--list', 'paths.lst')  # Text file with paths
>>> cfg = parser.parse_args(['--list', '-')          # List from stdin

If nargs='+' is given to add_argument then a single list is generated including all paths in all lists provided.

Parsing URLs

The .ActionPath and .ActionPathList classes also support URLs which after parsing the jsonargparse.Path.get_content can be used to perform a GET request to the corresponding URL and retrieve its content. For this to work the validators and requests python packages are required which will be installed along with jsonargparse if the all extras requires is chosen:

$ pip3 install jsonargparse[all]

Then the 'u' flag can be used to parse URLs. For example if it is desired that an argument can be either a readable file or URL the action would be initialized as ActionPath(mode='fur'). If the value appears to be a URL according to validators.url.url then a HEAD request would be triggered to check if it is accessible, and if so, the parsing succeeds.

There is also URL support for functions and classes that load from paths, namely jsonargparse.ArgumentParser.parse_path, jsonargparse.ArgumentParser.get_defaults (default_config_files argument), .ActionConfigFile, .ActionJsonSchema, .ActionJsonnet and .ActionParser. This means that for example that a tool that can receive a configuration file via .ActionConfigFile is able to get the config file from a URL, that is something like the following would work:

$ --cfg

Comparison operators

It is quite common that when parsing a number, its range should be limited. To ease these cases the module includes the .ActionOperators. Some examples of arguments that can be added using this action are the following:

from jsonargparse import ActionOperators
# Larger than zero
parser.add_argument('--op1', action=ActionOperators(expr=('>', 0)))
# Between 0 and 10
parser.add_argument('--op2', action=ActionOperators(expr=[('>=', 0), ('<=', 10)]))
# Either larger than zero or 'off' string
def int_or_off(x): return x if x == 'off' else int(x)
parser.add_argument('--op3', action=ActionOperators(expr=[('>', 0), ('==', 'off')], join='or', type=int_or_off))

Boolean arguments

Parsing boolean arguments is very common, however, the original argparse only has a limited support for them, via store_true and store_false. Futhermore unexperienced users might mistakenly use type=bool which would not provide the intended behavior.

With jsonargparse adding an argument with type=bool the intended action is implemented. If given as values {'yes', 'true'} or {'no', 'false'} the corresponding parsed values would be True or False. For example:

>>> parser.add_argument('--op1', type=bool, default=False)
>>> parser.add_argument('--op2', type=bool, default=True)
>>> parser.parse_args(['--op1', 'yes', '--op2', 'false'])
namespace(op1=True, op2=False)

Sometimes it is also useful to define two paired options, one to set True and the other to set False. The .ActionYesNo class makes this straightforward. A couple of examples would be:

from jsonargparse import ActionYesNo
# --opt1 for true and --no_opt1 for false.
parser.add_argument('--op1', action=ActionYesNo)
# --with-opt2 for true and --without-opt2 for false.
parser.add_argument('--with-op2', action=ActionYesNo(yes_prefix='with-', no_prefix='without-'))

If the .ActionYesNo class is used in conjunction with nargs='?' the options can also be set by giving as value any of {'true', 'yes', 'false', 'no'}.

Parsers as arguments

Sometimes it is useful to take an already existing parser that is required standalone in some part of the code, and reuse it to parse an inner node of another more complex parser. For these cases an argument can be defined using the .ActionParser class. An example of how to use this class is the following:

from jsonargparse import ArgumentParser, ActionParser
inner_parser = ArgumentParser(prog='app1')
outer_parser = ArgumentParser(prog='app2')

When using the .ActionParser class, the value of the node in a config file can be either the complex node itself, or the path to a file which will be loaded and parsed with the corresponding inner parser. Naturally using .ActionConfigFile to parse a complete config file will parse the inner nodes correctly.

From the command line the help of the inner parsers can be shown by calling the tool with a prefixed help command, that is, for the example above it would be

Regarding environment variables, the prefix of the outer parser will be used to populate the leaf nodes of the inner parser. In the example above, if inner_parser is used to parse environment variables, then as normal APP1_OP1 would be checked to populate option op1. But if outer_parser is used, then APP2_INNER__NODE__OP1 would be checked to populate inner.node.op1.

An important detail to note is that the parsers that are given to .ActionParser are internally modified. So they should be instantiated exclusively for the .ActionParser and not used standalone.


The parsers from jsonargparse log some basic events, though by default this is disabled. To enable it the logger argument should be set when creating an .ArgumentParser object. The intended use is to give as value an already existing logger object which is used for the whole application. Though for convenience to enable a default logger the logger argument can also receive True or a valid logging level.


Contributions to the jsonargparse package are very welcome, be it just to create issues for reporting bugs and proposing enhancements, or more directly by creating pull requests.

If you intend to work with the source code, note that this project does not include any requirements.txt file. This is by intention. To make it very clear what are the requirements for different use cases, all the requirements of the project are stored in the file setup.cfg. The basic runtime requirements are defined in section [options] in the install_requires entry. All optional requirements are stored in section [options.extras_require] in the all entry. Also there are test, dev and doc entries in the same [options.extras_require] section which lists requirements for testing, development and documentation building.

The recommended way to work with the source code is the following. First clone the repository, then create a virtual environment, activate it and finally install the development requirements. More precisely the steps would be:

git clone
cd jsonargparse
virtualenv -p python3 venv
. venv/bin/activate

The crucial step is installing the requirements which would be done by running:

pip install --editable .[test,dev,doc,all]

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