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Easily schedule reminders to be emailed

Project description


  • turns reminders written in terminal into emails; supports scheduled reminders


  • easily manage your To Do list from anywhere in the terminal
  • schedule one-time or recurring reminders
  • create issues for your Jira board
  • schedule commands (your crontab can't run every 2 weeks as easily!)

notable dependencies

  • use pip install -r to install all dependencies
  • Linux (Raspberry Pis work great!)
  • cabinet
    • used to store JSON data; specifically, used to store the path and other important variables
  • a unique, non-Gmail address specifically for this project
    • do not use an email address that you use in other areas of your life
    • do not re-use a password you've used anywhere else; use a unique password.
  • Python3


  python3 -m pip install remindmail

  # adjust path accordingly
  pip install -r /path/to/

  cabinet config # cabinet must be configured properly

cabinet config

  • you need to install and configure cabinet

    • initialize using cabinet config; see cabinet's README for details
    • in cabinet's settings.json, set the email information using the example below
      • note that Gmail will not work due to their security restrictions.
      • it's very bad practice to store your password in plaintext; for this reason, never sync this file.
      • always use a unique email address specifically for this, and especially use a unique password.
    • your settings.json file should look similar to this example:
      "path": {
        "remindmail": {
          "local": "/home/pi/remindmail"
      "email": {
          "from": "YourUniqueAndNonGmailEmailAddress",
          "from_pw": "YourPassword",
          "from_name": "Your Name",
          "to": "RemindersSentToThisEmailAddress",
          "smtp_server": "your domain's smtp server",
          "imap_server": "your domain's imap server",
          "port": 465

scheduling reminder checks

  • type "crontab -e" in the terminal

  • add the line below (without the >, without the #, replacing the path with your real path):

    • 0 * * * * remind generate (every hour, generate based on


  • -h (or --help): Displays usage information.
  • -ls (or -l or --list): Lists all current reminders in
  • -g (or --generate): Generates all reminders scheduled for today.
    • I recommend setting up a crontab (see generate)
  • --later: Emails reminders that are marked with [any]
  • --show-tomorrow: Lists reminders in that target tomorrow's date
  • --show-week: Lists reminders for the next 7 days
  • --sent-today: Prints the number of reminders sent today (or yesterday, if before 4AM)
  • --stats: Prints usage statistics about RemindMail
  • -o (or --offset): Calculates the offset of a date (see offset)
  • -e (or --edit): Opens in vim
  • -j (or --jira): Sends your reminder to a new Jira task for your desired board (see Jira)


  • -b (or --board): An argument; the name of the Trello board to use
  • --list-name: An argument; the name of the Trello list to use
  • -ti (or --trello-items): Prints items within a Trello list (accepts -b or --board, --list-name)
    • If a board is not specified, the user is prompted to choose one
    • If a list is not specified, the user is prompted to choose one
  • -tl (or --trello-list): Prints the lists within a Trello board (accepts -b or --board, --list-name)
    • If a board is not specified, the user is prompted to choose one
  • -ta (or --trello-add): Adds an item to a Trello list (accepts -b or --board, --list-name, --item-name)
    • If a board is not specified, the user is prompted to choose one
    • If a list is not specified, the user is prompted to choose one
    • If an item is not specified, the user is prompted to enter one

list (-l, -ls, or --list)

  • lists all current reminders in

generate (-g or --generate)

  • generates reminders from that match the condition in brackets, such as [wed] matching if today is Wednesday

  • it is highly recommended to schedule this in crontab (Linux, MacOS) by calling crontab -e and adding something like

# runs every hour at 5 minutes past the hour
5   * * * * python3 /path/to/site-packages/remind/ -g
  • reminders are generated only every 12 hours, but this can be overcome with remind -g --force

  • to test your without actually sending reminders, use remind -g --dry-run

  • this function requires use of SMTP; please ensure you've configured this correctly.

later (--later)

  • emails reminders in marked with [any]

edit (-e or --edit)

  • remind edit looks at the path -> edit -> remind -> value property in cabinet's settings.json:
    "path": {
      "edit": {
        "remind": {
          "value": "/fullpath/to/"

offset (-o or --offset)

  • remind -o <type> <date (YYYY-MM-DD, optional)> <n>

  • (type is day, week, month)

  • (n is 'every n days')

  • Take the results of this function and use it to add an offset.

    • If you want something to happen every 3 days starting tomorrow, use:

    • remind -o day <tomorrow's date YYYY-MM-DD> 3

    • If the answer is 2, then you can add this to

    • [D%3+2] Description here

how this is calculated

  • The Epoch time is the number of seconds since January 1, 1970, UTC.
  • For example, if the current time is 1619394350, then today is Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 11:45:50PM UTC.
  • The "week number" is calculated by {epochTime}/60/60/24/7.
    • 1619394350 /60/60/24/7 ~= 2677
    • 2677 % 3 == 1, meaning scheduling a reminder for [W%3] would be sent last week, but not this week (or next week or the week after).


  • e.g. remind -o day 2022-12-31 12

  • (find offset for every 12 days intersecting 2022-12-31)

  • e.g. remind -o week 2022-12-31 3

  • (every 3 weeks intersecting 2022-12-31)

  • e.g. remind -o month 2022-12-31 4

  • (every 4 months intersecting 2022-12-31)

  • e.g. remind -o day 5

    • (every 5 days intersecting today)
  • e.g. remind -o week 6

    • (every 6 weeks intersecting today)
  • e.g. remind -o month 7

    • (every 7 months intersecting today)"""


  • by defualt, remindmail's log path is set to cabinet's default log
  • otherwise, you can set path -> remindmail -> log in cabinet (see Setup above) for a custom directory.

scheduling reminders with

  • this file is the heart of this tool, used for scheduling one-time or recurring reminders.
  • place the "good" example in the example section below in a file named
  • reminders from the file will be emailed once the conditions are met.

using colons to edit email body

  • any text after a colon (:) will be placed in the body of the email.

using natural language to add to

  • remind me to take out the trash will immediately send an email upon confirmation
  • remind to take out the trash tomorrow will add [YYYY-MM-DD]d take out the trash upon confirmation (where YYYY-MM-13 is the next day)
    • if it is before 3AM, the reminder will immediately send an email upon confirmation
  • remind write essay: need to go to library will immediately send an email with the subject write essay and body need to go to library upon confirmation
  • remind me to take out the trash tomorrow will add [YYYY-MM-DD]d take out the trash upon confirmation (where YYYY-MM-DD is tomorrow's date)
  • remind me take out the trash on Thursday will add [thu]d take out the trash upon confirmation
  • remind to take out the trash on the 13th will add [YYYY-MM-13]d take out the trash upon confirmation (where YYYY-MM-13 is the next 13th)
  • remind go to the gym in 4 months will add [YYYY-MM-DD]d take out the trash upon confirmation (where YYYY-MM-DD is 4 months from today)
  • remind me spring is here in 6 weeks will add [YYYY-MM-DD]d spring is here upon confirmation (where YYYY-MM-DD is 6 weeks from today)
  • remind me to finish procrastinating in 5 days will add [YYYY-MM-DD]d finish procrastinating upon confirmation (where YYYY-MM-DD is 5 days from today)
  • remind me take out the trash every 2 weeks will add [W%2] take out the trash upon confirmation
    • for recurring reminders, use every n days, every n weeks, or every n months
  • try other combinations, and feel free to contribute to the codebase for other scenarios!

parse without time

  • some queries, like remind me to buy 12 eggs can be misinterpreted from the date parser library, and the confirmation may ask to schedule the reminder on the 12th of the month.
    • these edge cases aren't worth fixing, in the interest of preserving the ability for something like "remind me on the 12th to buy eggs" to continue working reliably.
    • in these situations, it's worth choosing (p)arse without time, which ignores any potential dates and asks to send the reminder immediately

manually editing to schedule reminders


[D%1]         This reminder is sent every day.
[D%4]         This reminder is sent every 4 days.

[mon]         This reminder is sent if today is Monday.
[Monday]      This reminder is sent if today is Monday.
[thu]         This reminder is sent if today is Thursday.
[Thursday]d   This reminder is sent, then deleted, if today is Thursday.
[D01]         This reminder is sent if today is the 1st of the month.
[D31]d        This reminder is sent, then deleted, if today is the 31st of the month.
[D31]c        cd /foo/bar && rm -rf / # this reminder is a scheduled command.

[3-5]         This reminder is sent if today is March 5.
[3/5]d        This reminder is sent, then deleted, if today is March 5.
[3/5]1        This reminder is sent, then deleted, if today is March 5.
[2022-3-5]d   This reminder is sent, then deleted, if today is March 5.
[2022-3-5]c   cd /foo/bar && rm -rf / # this reminder is a scheduled command.


[W%3]         This reminder is sent if today is a Sunday of every third week, based on Epoch Time. See below...
[thu%2]       This reminder is sent every other Thursday.
[thu%2+1]     This reminder is sent every other Thursday (between the weeks of the line above).
[W%3+1]       This reminder is sent if today is a Sunday of every third week, _with an offset of 1_, meaning if [W%3] would normally be sent last week, it will be sent this week instead.


[M%5]         This reminder is sent every 5 months (_not necessarily May and October! pay attention to offsets_)
[M%2]d        This reminder is sent at the next even-numbered month, then deleted.
[M%2]c        cd /foo/bar && rm -rf / # this reminder is a scheduled command.

one-time or n-time reminders

[4/23]3       This reminder will be sent if today is April 23, then converted into [4/23]2
[4/23]2       This reminder will be sent if today is April 23, then converted into [4/23]1 (same as [4/23]d)
[4/23]1       This reminder is sent, then deleted, if today is April 23.
[4/23]d       This reminder is sent, then deleted, if today is April 23.

[M%3]6        This reminder will be sent, then decremented, every 3 months, until it becomes [M%3]1 in approximately 18 months.
[D%2]30       This reminder will be sent, then decremented, every other day, until it becomes [D%2]1 in approximately 2 months.

"any time" reminders for later

[any]         This reminder requires manual removal from
[any]         You will be given a summary of [any] reminders when generateSummary() is called.
[any]         This can be called as `remind later`

It is recommended you add remind later as a scheduled crontab action.

examples that won't work

[D50]         Months only have up to 31 days.
[D%3] d       The 'd' operator must be immediately next to the ] symbol.
[Y%5]         Year is unsupported.
(thu)         You must use brackets.
{thu}         You must use brackets.
   [W%3]      You must start reminders at the start of a newline.
[W%3-1]       This is invalid. To add an offset, you MUST use +.
[W%3+4]       An offset of 4 makes no sense and won't be triggered because [W%3+3] is the same thing as [W%3+0]. Use [W%3+1] instead.

calculating and scheduling "every n weeks", "every n days", "every n months"

using "d" to set one-time reminders

  • an item with ]d, such as [D%5]d, will add the reminder and remove it from, meaning it will only generate once until you add it again.
    • this is useful for scheduling a reminder in the future that you don't need to repeat.

Jira Integration

RemindMail provides a barebones integration with Jira to create issues directly from the application. To enable this integration, you need to configure the required Jira settings in the Cabinet configuration file.


Before using the Jira integration, ensure that you have the following information available:

  • Jira project URL: The base URL of your Jira project.
  • Jira email: The email associated with your Jira account.
  • Jira API token: The API token generated for your Jira account.
  • Jira project key: The key of the Jira project where you want to create issues.

Using Cabinet, set the values by running:

cabinet --put jira email <your Jira email>
cabinet --put jira project-url <your project url, e.g.>
cabinet --put jira project-key <your project key prefix that all issues have, e.g. USR>
cabinet --put keys jira <your Jira API token>

Make sure to replace values in brackets with your own values.


# creates a ticket (with prompts for description, label, issue type)
remind -m this is a new ticket --jira

# creates a ticket without prompts
remind --jira "this is a story 4" -t task --desc "Testing description" --label "testing"

# select '(j)' in confirmation menu
remind -m this is a new jira ticket

After the issue has been created, a success message and link to the new issue will appear.

Trello Integration


Before using the Trello integration, obtain a Trello API Key.

Using Cabinet, set the API key by running:

cabinet --put keys trello <api key here>

Upon first running a Trello-related command, you will be prompted to authorize your application in the browser.


# prints all lists in the `Shopping` board
remind -tl Shopping

# prints all items from a list (interactive)
remind -ti

# prints all items from the `Tyler` list in the `Shopping` board
remind -ti --board Shopping --list-name Tyler

# select '(j)' in confirmation menu
remind -m this is a new jira ticket

Project details

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Download files

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Source Distribution

remindmail-2024.3.14.2.tar.gz (26.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

remindmail-2024.3.14.2-py3-none-any.whl (23.4 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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