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Truedata's Official Python Package

Project description

Official Python repository for TrueData (Market Data APIs)

This Python library attempts to make it easy for you to connect to TrueData Market Data Apis, thereby allowing you to concentrate on startegy development, while this library works to get you all the data you need from the TrueData backend both for Real Time & Historical.

Please make sure you follow us on our Telegram channel where we push a lot of information with regards to API updates, implementation ideas, tips & tricks to use this library & raw feed, etc...

We have also built a sandbox environmemt for testing the raw feed. Please feel free to use this environment to check/test/compare your results with the raw data feed (real time & historical).

We are trying to improve this library continuously and feedback for the same is welcome.

It is essential to ensure that the data received through our APIs is not being utilized for any commercial purposes. Additionally, please be mindful that all information or data provided to you is exclusively intended for your internal use and must be utilized and discontinued at your end as required.

What have we covered so far ?

we have total three packages live , historical and analytics

WebSocket APIs

  • Live data (Streaming Ticks) - Enabled by Default
  • Live Data (Streaming 1 min bars) - Needs to be enabled from our backend
  • Live Data (Streaming 5 min bars) - Needs to be enabled from our backend
  • Live data (Streaming Ticks + 1 min bars) - Needs to be enabled from our backend
  • Live Data (Streaming Ticks + 5 min bars) - Needs to be enabled from our backend
  • Live Data (Streaming Ticks + 1 min bars + 5 min bars) - Needs to be enabled from our backend
  • Live Data (Streaming 1 min + 5 min bars) - Needs to be enabled from our backend
  • Option Greek streaming - Needs to be enabled from our backend

Note:- Kindly note that data that is not enabled by default may require exchange approvals, which vary depending on the specific exchange and segment in question. For any inquiries or clarifications, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team.


  • Historical Data
  • Analytical Data

Getting Started


  • Installing the truedata library from PyPi
python3 -m pip install truedata

Minimum Requirements

- Python >= 3.7

In-built dependencies

- websocket-client>=0.57.0
- colorama>=0.4.3
- python-dateutil>=2.8.1
- pandas>=1.0.3
- setuptools>=50.3.2
- requests>=2.25.0
- lz4==3.1.3 (Note lz4 versions >3.1.3 currently have some errors and thus
  lz4 should not be upgraded till these dependency issues are resolved).

Connecting / Logging in

  • Connecting / Logging in for Real time data feed subscriptions
from truedata import TD_live
td_obj = TD_live('<enter_your_login_id>', '<enter_your_password>' )
  • Connecting / Logging in for Historical Data Subscription Only
from truedata import TD_hist
td_obj = TD_hist('<enter_your_login_id>', '<enter_your_password>')


We have integrated the python stdlib logger.

You can provide LOG_LEVEL, LOG_HANDLER and LOG_FORMAT if you want.

Please try with various log levels & formats to understand what works best for you for a particular setting. Below are 2 samples provided to you. Please test with both to see what works best for you.

from truedata import TD_live
import logging
td_obj = TD('<enter_your_login_id>', '<enter_your_password>', live_port=realtime_port,  url=url, 
            log_level=logging.WARNING, log_format="%(message)s")

To enable the Heartbeats, change your logging level to DEBUG as follows:-


The logging level to DEBUG, enables you to see:-

  1. Market Status messages (Market Open / Close messages as and when they happen)
  2. Automatic Touchline update messages
  3. Symbol Add Remove messages
  4. Heartbeat messages (every 5 seconds)

If you do not want to see these messages, set your logging level to WARNING

Additional LOG_LEVEL info can be found here.

Additional LOG_FORMAT info can be found here.

Additional LOG_HANDER info can be found here.

Real Time Data Streaming (Live)

  • Starting Live Data For Multiple symbols
symbols = ['<symbol_1>', '<symbol_2>', '<symbol_3>', ...]
  • Accessing live streaming data

    all livedata information available inside td_obj.live_data dict can be accessed via symbol as key. if new data for the same symbol comes then it will replace with latest data.


if subscribed to 1 Min streaming bar data can be found at td_obj.one_min_live_data[symbol_1].

if subcribed to 5 Min streaming bar data can be found at td_obj.five_min_live_data[symbol_1].

  • all data can be accessed with dot access
ltp = td_obj.live_data[symbol_1].ltp
timestamp = td_obj.live_data[symbol_1].timestamp
  • live_data available fields are
["timestamp","symbol_id","symbol","ltp","ltq","atp","ttq","day_open","day_high","day_low","prev_day_close","oi","prev_day_oi","turnover","special_tag","tick_seq","best_bid_price","best_bid_qty","best_ask_price","best_ask_qty","change","change_perc","oi_change","oi_change_perc" ]

one_min_live_data and five_min_live_data available fields are

[ "symbol", "symbol_id", "day_open", "day_high", "day_low", "prev_day_close", "prev_day_oi", "oi", "ttq", "timestamp", "open", "high", "low", "close", "volume", "change","change_perc","oi_change","oi_change_perc" ]
  • callback functions

  • Accessing live streaming data user need to define callback function for ticks or minute stream according to their subscription. if callback function defined then when ever new tick or minute bar received then the corresponding callback function will be executed, so please dont block the functions using any indefinite loops

  • available call back decorators are mentioned below . all fields corresponding tick_data or bar_data can be accessed with dotaccess mentioned above

def my_tick_data( tick_data):
    print( "tick data " , tick_data )

def my_bidask_data( bidask_data):
    print("bid ask data" , bidask_data)

def my_one_min_bar_data( bar_data):
    print("one min bar data ", bar_data)

def my_five_min_bar_data( bar_data):
    print( "five min bar data ", bar_data)

def my_greek_data( greek_data):
    print("greek data ", greek_data)

def my_ff_trade_data( tick_data):
    print("full feed tick ", tick_data)

def my_ff_min_bar_data( bar_data):
    print("full feed bar ", bar_data )
  • Stopping live data
td_obj.stop_live_data(['<symbol_1>', '<symbol_2>', '<symbol_3>', ...])
  • Disconnect from the WebSocket service

Option Greeks streaming

If user is subscribed to Nse options and also opt for option greek then whenever new greek data arrived the below function executed.

def mygreek_callback( greek_data):
    print("Greek > ", greek_data)
  • These are available fields for greek_data ->
 [ "timestamp", "symbol_id", "symbol", "iv", "delta", "theta", "gamma", "vega", "rho" ] 
  • Each field can be accessed with dot access such as greek_data.symbol , etc...

Bidask Streaming

If user is subscribed to bidask then whenever new bidask changed in exchange the below function executed.

def mybidask_callback( bidask_data):
    print("BidAsk > ", bidask_data )
  • These are available fields for bidask_data ->
 [ "timestamp", "symbol_id", "symbol", "bid", "ask", "total_bid", "total_ask" ]
  • Each field can be accessed with dot access such as bidask_data.symbol , bidask_data.ask etc...
  • For Nse symbols we offer level 1 bid ask which have one best bid and ask data.
  • For bse symbols we offer level 2 bid ask which have five best bid and ask data.
  • For level 1 bid ask -> bidask_data.ask return with a list of tuples, containing [ ( ask, ask_qnty )] in the format, This has total length of one.
  • For level 2 bid ask -> bidask_data.ask return with a list of tuples, containing [ ( ask_1, ask_1_qnty, ask_1_no_of_trades ) , ( ask_2, ask_2_qnty, ask_2_no_of_trades ) , ....... ] in the format , This has total length of five in bid and also same as the ask.


The code snippet below shows you how easy it is to stream the data using Callbacks.

from truedata import TD_live
import time
import logging

username = 'your_username'
password = 'your_password'
realtime_port = 8082
url = ''
symbols = ['<symbol_1>', '<symbol_2>', '<symbol_3>', ...]

td_obj = TD_live(username, password, live_port=realtime_port, url=url, log_level=logging.DEBUG, log_format="%(message)s")
time.sleep(1)  # very important - to ensure that the touchine data is populated
def mytrade_callback( tick_data):
    print("Tick > ", tick_data )

def mybidask_callback( bidask_data):
    print("BidAsk > ", bidask_data )

# Keep your thread alive
while True:


if you need to convert the stream data to dict, use the dunder dict method.



Option Chain Streaming

It is possible to stream single or multiple option chains.

symbols , strike , type , ltp , ltt , ltq , volume , price_change , price_change_perc, oi , prev_oi , oi_change , oi_change_perc , bid ,bid_qty , ask , ask_qty , iv, delta, theta, gamma, vega, rho

Starting Option Chain data for a symbol

from datetime import datetime as dt
from truedata import TD_live

td_obj = TD_live('<enter_your_login_id>', '<enter_your_password>')

nifty_chain = td_obj.start_option_chain( 'NIFTY' , dt(2021 , 8 , 26) )
sensex_chain = td_obj.start_option_chain("SENSEX" , dt(2023 , 9 , 1) , chain_length = 80 )
#enabling option chain for NIFTY with corresponding expiry. 
  • start_option_chain function takes following arguments:
    • symbols for egs: NIFTY , BANKNIFTY , SBIN etc......
    • expiry : date (datetime object)
    • chain_length : number of strike need to pull with respect to future prices. default value is 10 (int)
    • bid_ask : enable live quote . default value is false (boolean)
    • greek : boolean, default value is false if need to stream greeks along with option chain

Pulling an Option Chain

df = nifty_chain.get_option_chain()
#returns a dataframe that contain option chain for repective symbol

this get_option_chain function can call anywhere that will return respective option chain

Stop Option Chain Updates


An example for pulling option chain and live data simultaneously

from truedata import TD_live
from copy import deepcopy
import time
import logging
from datetime import datetime as dt

td_obj = TD_live('<your_login>', '<your_password>' , log_level= logging.WARNING )
symbols = ['BANKNIFTY-I' , 'NIFTY 50' , 'SBIN' ]
sbi_chain = td_obj.start_option_chain( 'SBIN', dt(2023 , 11 , 30) )
bnf_chain = td_obj.start_option_chain( 'BANKNIFTY', dt(2023 , 11 , 30) , chain_length = 20 )
nifty_chain = td_obj.start_option_chain( 'NIFTY', dt(2023 , 11 , 30), chain_length = 10, bid_ask = True , greek = True)

def mytrade_callback( tick_data):
    #callback comes with option chain symbols too so filter out if needed
    if tick_data.symbol in symbols:
        print("Tick > ", tick_data )

while True:
    time.sleep(5)  # important otherwise cpu will overthrottle.

Historical Data

Historical Data is provided over REST

In version v6 we have seperated live and history as modules. so please import according to your configuration.

All historical success call return pandas dataframe.

from truedata import TD_hist
import logging
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta        
from datetime import datetime

td_hist = TD_hist(username ,password , log_level= logging.WARNING  )

td_hist.get_historic_data('BANKNIFTY-I', duration='3 D')
td_hist.get_historic_data('BANKNIFTY-I', bar_size='30 mins')
td_hist.get_historic_data('BANKNIFTY-I', end_time=datetime(2023, 11, 17, 12, 30))
td_hist.get_n_historical_bars('BANKNIFTY-I', no_of_bars=30, bar_size= '5 min')
td_hist.get_historic_data("BANKNIFTY-I", duration='2 D', bar_size='ticks', bidask=True , delivery = True)
td_hist.get_gainers("NSEEQ", topn = 25 )
td_hist.get_losers("NSEEQ", topn = 25 )
td_hist.get_n_historical_bars("BANKNIFTY-I", no_of_bars=10, bar_size= 'ticks')
td_hist.get_bhavcopy('EQ' , date=datetime(2023, 11, 16) )
result = td_hist.get_historic_data("NIFTY BANK", duration='1 D', bar_size='tick')
# print(result.to_dict(orient = 'records'))


  • all method returns pandas dataframe if want to convert to list of dict please use pandas inherent method result.to_dict(orient = 'records')

Now that we have covered the basic parameters, you can mix and match the parameters as you please. If a parameter is not specified, the defaults are as follows

end_time =
duration = "1 D"
bar_size = "1 min"

Get Bhavcopy

This function enables you to get the NSE & MCX bhavcopies for the day / date.

eq_bhav     = td_obj.get_bhavcopy('EQ')
fo_bhav     = td_obj.get_bhavcopy('FO')
mcx_bhav    = td_obj.get_bhavcopy('MCX')

The request checks if the latest completed bhavcopy has arrived for that segment and, if arrived, it returns the data.

In case it has not arrived it provides the date and time of the last bhavcopy available which can also be pulled by providing the bhavcopy date.

Limitations and caveats for historical data

  1. If you provide both duration and start time, duration will be used and start time will be ignored.

  2. If you provide neither duration nor start time, duration = "1 D" will be used

  3. If you do not provide the bar size bar_size = "1 min" will be used

  4. The following BAR_SIZES are available:

    • tick
    • 1 min
    • 2 mins
    • 3 mins
    • 5 mins
    • 10 mins
    • 15 mins
    • 30 mins
    • 60 mins
    • eod (or EOD)
    • week (or WEEK)
    • month (or MONTH)
  5. The following annotation can be used for DURATION:-

    • D = Days
    • W = Weeks
    • M = Months
    • Y = Years

Get Gainers losers information

This function enables you to get the NSE gainers losers information at present state.

gainers = td_obj.get_gainers(segment = "NSEEQ" , topn= 10 )
losers = td_obj.get_losers(segment = "NSEEQ" , topn= 10 )
  • gainers , losers function takes following arguments:
    • segment (string) : NSEEQ, NSEFUT, NSEOPT, MCX
    • topn (int) : default 10 , top n number

Release Notes

Version 6.0.0

  • change: TD_live and TD_hist are two new modules under the package of truedata
  • change: option chain are coming with greeks
  • change: all historical calls returns pandas dataframe
  • change: while loop methods are deprecated only efficient call back method is available now.
  • change: TD_analytics module is added to package

Version 5.0.11

  • Bugfix: option chain not updating after connection drop

Version 5.0.10

  • Bidask l2 total bid and total ask are added ..
  • td analytics added

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

truedata-6.0.0b3.tar.gz (38.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

truedata-6.0.0b3-py3-none-any.whl (39.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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