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An Alliance Auth app that provides full access to Eve characters and related reports for auditing, vetting and monitoring.

Project description

Member Audit

An Alliance Auth app that provides full access to Eve characters and related reports for auditing, vetting and monitoring.

release python django pipeline codecov license pre-commit Code style: black chat



Member Audit is an Alliance Auth app that provides full access to Eve characters and related reports.

Users can monitor their characters, recruiters can vet the characters of applicants and leadership can audit the characters of their members to ensure compliance and find spies.

In addition character based reports gives leadership another valuable tool for managing their respective organization.

Help wanted: We are looking for help with translating this app into multiple languages, i.e. Chinese, German and Spanish. If you are interested you can sign up here.

Key Features

Member Audit adds the following key features to Auth:

  • Users can see an overview of all their characters with key information like their current location and wallet balance

  • Users can get full access to their characters to monitor them without having to open the Eve client (similar to the classic Eve ap "EveMon").

  • Applicants can temporarily share their characters with recruiters for vetting

  • Leadership can get full access to characters of their members for auditing (e.g. to check suspicious members)

  • Full access to characters currently includes the following information:

    • Assets
    • Bio
    • Contacts
    • Contracts
    • Corporation history
    • Implants
    • Jump clones
    • Mails
    • Loyalty points
    • Skill queue
    • Skill sets
    • Skills
    • Wallet (journal and transactions)
  • Leadership can define Skill Sets, which are a way of defining skills needed to perform a specific activity or fly a doctrine ship. They allow recruiters and leadership to see at a glance what a character can do (e.g. which doctrine ships he/she can fly)

  • Leadership can see reports and analytics about their members. Those currently include:

    • Compliance: if users have added all their characters
    • Skill Sets: which character has which skill sets
  • Admins can use the flexible permission system to grant access levels for different roles (e.g. corp leadership may only have access to reports about their own corp members)

  • Admins can customize and configure Member Audit to fit their needs. e.g. change the app's name and define how often which type of data is updated from the Eve server

  • Designed to work efficiently with large number of characters

  • Data retention policy allows managing storage capacity needs

  • Data can be exported for processing it with third party apps like Google Sheets (currently wallet journal only)


Character Launcher

The main page for users to register their characters and get a key infos of all registered characters.


Character Viewer

The page for displaying all details about a character.


Skill Sets

Skill sets are a way of defining both required and recommended skills for a specific activity or ship.

This tab on the character view allows you to view what skill sets a character has. For skill sets they don't have or are missing parts of, it also shows what skills are missing.


Requirements can be customized per skill set in the administration panel. Recommended skill levels can be added in addition to requirements.


Character Finder

On this page recruiters and leadership can look for other characters to view (assuming they have been given permission).




  1. Member Audit is a plugin for Alliance Auth. If you don't have Alliance Auth running already, please install it first before proceeding. (see the official AA installation guide for details)

  2. Member Audit needs the app django-eveuniverse to function. Please make sure it is installed, before before continuing.

Step 1 - Install app

Make sure you are in the virtual environment (venv) of your Alliance Auth installation. Then install the newest release from PyPI:

pip install aa-memberaudit

Step 2 - Configure Auth settings

Configure your Auth settings ( as follows:

  • Add 'memberaudit' to INSTALLED_APPS
  • Add below lines to your settings file:
CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['memberaudit_run_regular_updates'] = {
    'task': 'memberaudit.tasks.run_regular_updates',
    'schedule': crontab(minute=0, hour='*/1'),
  • Optional: Add additional settings if you want to change any defaults. See Settings for the full list.

Step 3 - Finalize App installation

Run migrations & copy static files

python migrate
python collectstatic

Restart your supervisor services for Auth

Step 4 - Update EVE Online API Application

Update the Eve Online API app used for authentication in your AA installation to include the following scopes:

  • esi-assets.read_assets.v1
  • esi-bookmarks.read_character_bookmarks.v1
  • esi-calendar.read_calendar_events.v1
  • esi-characters.read_agents_research.v1
  • esi-characters.read_blueprints.v1
  • esi-characters.read_contacts.v1
  • esi-characters.read_fatigue.v1
  • esi-characters.read_fw_stats.v1
  • esi-characters.read_loyalty.v1
  • esi-characters.read_medals.v1
  • esi-characters.read_notifications.v1
  • esi-characters.read_opportunities.v1
  • esi-characters.read_standings.v1
  • esi-characters.read_titles.v1
  • esi-clones.read_clones.v1
  • esi-clones.read_implants.v1
  • esi-contracts.read_character_contracts.v1
  • esi-corporations.read_corporation_membership.v1
  • esi-industry.read_character_jobs.v1
  • esi-industry.read_character_mining.v1
  • esi-killmails.read_killmails.v1
  • esi-location.read_location.v1
  • esi-location.read_online.v1
  • esi-location.read_ship_type.v1
  • esi-mail.organize_mail.v1
  • esi-mail.read_mail.v1
  • esi-markets.read_character_orders.v1
  • esi-markets.structure_markets.v1
  • esi-planets.manage_planets.v1
  • esi-planets.read_customs_offices.v1
  • esi-search.search_structures.v1
  • esi-skills.read_skillqueue.v1
  • esi-skills.read_skills.v1
  • esi-universe.read_structures.v1
  • esi-wallet.read_character_wallet.v1

Step 5 - Verify Celery configuration

This app makes very heavy use of Celery and may run thousands of tasks every hour.

Please make sure your celery configuration meets the following minimum requirements or Member Audit may overwhelm your server:

  • 10 workers (more is better)
  • Tasks can be executed continuously without degrading overall server performance
  • Task priorities are enabled

Please see Celery Configuration for details on how to configure celery accordingly.

When the above requirements are met Member Audit will also run smoothly on smaller servers.

Step 6 - Load Eve Universe map data

In order to be able to select solar systems and ships types for trackers you need to load that data from ESI once. If you already have run those commands previously you can skip this step.

Load Eve Online map:

python eveuniverse_load_data map
python memberaudit_load_eve

You may want to wait until the loading is complete before continuing.

Hint: These command will spawn a thousands of tasks. One easy way to monitor the progress is to watch the number of tasks shown on the Dashboard.

Step 7 - Setup permissions

Finally you want to setup permission to define which users / groups will have access to which parts of the app. Check out permissions for details.

Congratulations you are now ready to use Member Audit!


To update your existing installation of Member Audit first enable your virtual environment.

Then run the following commands from your AA project directory (the one that contains

pip install -U aa-memberaudit
python migrate
python collectstatic

Finally restart your AA supervisor services.


For this app there are two types of permissions:

  • Feature permissions give access to a feature
  • Scope permissions give access to scope

To define a role you will mostly need at least one permission from each type. For example for the recruiter role you will want finder_access, that gives access to the character finder tool, and view_shared_characters, so that the recruiter can see all shared characters.

The exception is the basic role, basic_access, that every user needs just to access the app. It does not require any additional scope roles, so a normal user just needs that role to be able to register his characters.

Permission list

Name Description Type
basic_access Can access this app and register and view own characters Feature
share_characters Can share his characters. Note that others need the view_shared_characters permission to see them. Feature
finder_access Can access character finder features for accessing characters from others Feature
reports_access Can access reports features for seeing reports and analytics. Feature
characters_access Can access characters owned by others. Feature
exports_access Can access data exports. Warning: This permission gives access to all data from all characters and does not require any additional scope permissions. Feature
view_shared_characters All characters, which have been marked as shared & can access these characters Feature & Scope
view_same_corporation All mains - incl. their alts - of the same corporations the user's main belongs to Scope
view_same_alliance All mains - incl. their alts - of the same alliances the user's main belongs to Scope
view_everything All characters registered with Member Audit Scope

All permissions can be found under the category "memberaudit | general".

Example Roles

To further illustrate how the permission system works, see the following list showing which permissions are needed to define common roles:

Role Description Permissions
Normal user Can use this app and register and access own characters basic_access
Recruiter Can access shared characters basic_access
Corporation Leadership Can access reports for his corporation members (but can not access the characters) basic_access
Corp Leadership & Recruiter Can access shared characters basic_access
Alliance Auditor Can search for and access all characters of his alliance basic_access

Naturally, superusers will have access to everything, without requiring permissions to be assigned.

Celery configuration

Task throughput

This app makes heavy use of Celery and will often run thousands of tasks per hour. Auth's default Celery setup is not well suited for handling high task volumes though (e.g. it will only spawn one worker per core, which scale badly due to high CPU usage). We strongly recommend to switch to a thread based setup (e.g. gevent), which has been proven to be significantly more efficient for running Auth.

For details on how to configure celery workers with threads please see this section in the Auth's documentation.

When switching to thread based workers please also make sure to setup measure to protect against memory leak. The default celery options will not work for threads. See this section for details.

ESI connection pool

If you have more than 10 workers you also need to increase the connection pool for django-esi accordingly. You can do this by adding the following line to your local settings (e.g. for 20 workers):


See here for the corresponding setting in django-esi.

Celery priorities

Last, but not least, please make sure your Celery is configured to run with priorities. This should be the default for all current Auth installation, but if you have an older installation you may have missed this change. Please see these release notes for details.

Member Audit configuration

The goal of an optimal configuration for Member Audit is that your system can complete all update tasks for your character within the respective update cycle.

For this you need to consider the following three factors:

  • Number of characters to update
  • Task throughput
  • Update frequency

The number of characters depend on your organization. You an usually not influence this factor much and want to make sure that your system has sufficient room for that growth.

Your task throughout is defined by the number of celery workers. The more workers you have, the higher your potential throughput, so you may want to maximize that number for your system.

You can adjust the update frequency to meet your needs. For example if you have a lot of characters and your update tasks can not (or only barely) complete within the update cycle, then you can lengthen your update cycles to compensate. There are 3 update cycles called rings, which can be configured individually. See MEMBERAUDIT_UPDATE_STALE_RING_x in settings for details.

You can use the management command memberaudit_stats to get current data about the last update runs, which can be very helpful to find the optimal configuration. See memberaudit_stats for details.


Here is a list of available settings for this app. They can be configured by adding them to your AA settings file (

Note that all settings are optional and the app will use the documented default settings if they are not used.

Name Description Default
APP_UTILS_NOTIFY_THROTTLED_TIMEOUT Timeout for throttled notifications in seconds. This defines how often throttled user notifications are send. (see Settings for App Utils})
MEMBERAUDIT_APP_NAME Name of this app as shown in the Auth sidebar. 'Member Audit'
MEMBERAUDIT_DATA_RETENTION_LIMIT Maximum number of days to keep historical data for mails, contracts and wallets. Minimum is 7 day. None will turn it off. 360
MEMBERAUDIT_ESI_ERROR_LIMIT_THRESHOLD ESI error limit remain threshold. The number of remaining errors is counted down from 100 as errors occur. Because multiple tasks may request the value simultaneously and get the same response, the threshold must be above 0 to prevent the API from shutting down with a 420 error 25
MEMBERAUDIT_BULK_METHODS_BATCH_SIZE Technical parameter defining the maximum number of objects processed per run of Django batch methods, e.g. bulk_create and bulk_update 500
MEMBERAUDIT_LOCATION_STALE_HOURS Hours after a existing location (e.g. structure) becomes stale and gets updated. e.g. for name changes of structures 24
MEMBERAUDIT_LOG_UPDATE_STATS When set True will log the statistics of the latests uns at the start of every new run. The stats show the max, avg, min durations from the last run for each round and each section in seconds. Note that the durations are not 100% exact, because some updates happen in parallel the the main process and may take longer to complete (e.g. loading mail bodies, contract items) 24
MEMBERAUDIT_MAX_MAILS Maximum amount of mails fetched from ESI for each character 250
MEMBERAUDIT_TASKS_MAX_ASSETS_PER_PASS Technical parameter defining the maximum number of asset items processed in each pass when updating character assets. A higher value reduces overall duration, but also increases task queue congestion. 2500
MEMBERAUDIT_TASKS_TIME_LIMIT Global timeout for tasks in seconds to reduce task accumulation during outages 7200
MEMBERAUDIT_UPDATE_STALE_RING_1 Minutes after which sections belonging to ring 1 are considered stale: location, online status 55
MEMBERAUDIT_UPDATE_STALE_RING_2 Minutes after which sections belonging to ring 2 are considered stale: all except those in ring 1 & 3 235
MEMBERAUDIT_UPDATE_STALE_RING_3 Minutes after which sections belonging to ring 3 are considered stale: assets 475

Management Commands

The following management commands are available to perform administrative tasks:

Run any command with --help to see all options


Export data into a CSV file for use with external applications. Will include data from all characters in the database.

Currently supports the wallet journal only.


Pre-loads data required for this app from ESI to improve app performance.


This command deletes all locally stored character data, but maintains character skeletons, so they can be reloaded again from ESI.

Make sure to stop all supervisors before using this command.


This command returns current statistics as JSON, i.e. current update statistics and app totals. This includes:

  • App totals with number of active users and characters
  • List of periodic celery tasks
  • Statistics about last update per ring, including:
    • total duration
    • est. throughput in characters per hour
    • indicator if update was completed within time boundaries


Start the process of force updating all characters from ESI.


The main authors (in alphabetical order):

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Source Distribution

aa-memberaudit-1.9.2.tar.gz (176.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

aa_memberaudit-1.9.2-py3-none-any.whl (277.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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